Mind Maps di Lara Fortugno

A mind map of... the applications of mind maps! By Tony Buzan, www.mind-mapping.co.uk

Receivers: the following learning path is addressed to teachers of all levels and subjects, wishing to start familiarizing with the technique of mind mapping.
Materials provided: a number of concise key-points and a variety of linked resources to explore the structure, underlying theoretical principles, pedagogical advantages and possible class applications of mind maps
Objectives: after going through the following presentation and working their way through the linked resources teachers will:

  • identify the cognitive approach behind the method of mind mapping
  • distinguish mind maps from concept maps
  • identify several areas of application of mind maps
  • identify the advantages of mind mapping to learners of any discipline
  • reinforce their awareness of the metacognitive and emotional dimensions of learning
  • identify ways of developing that awareness in their own students
  • be aware of some possible classroom activities involving mind mapping
  • identify criteria to assess a mind map
  • be aware of the weak points of this tool and of the necessity of a well balanced usage within the teaching practice

  1. Mind maps... what's that?

  2. Structure and governing principles

  3. Metacognition, emotions and learning

  4. Mind maps in teaching and studying

  5. How do you assess a student's mind map?
  6. Points to be careful about
  7. Examples
  8. Self-assessment questions
  9. Sources

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Edurete.org Roberto Trinchero