An Outline of Anglo-Saxon Britain di Antonella Gagliostro (, Claudio Gurgone (, Santina Santoro (, Tassinari (

Lesson Plan on Beowulf's death

[E14] [E15] [E16] [S14]


1. Who are the characters in this extract?

2. Why does Beowulf thank God?

3. What does Beowulf ask Wiglaf to do?

4. What does the king gave his thane?

5. What do Beowulf's last directions concern?

Sound patterns

List the allitterations that underline particular concepts

Language and Meaning

1. Beowulf and Wiglaf are two anthitetical characters. Complete a table about their ages, their actions, and the relationship existing between them.

2. Some kennings are used trhoughout the passage:

a. Beowulf is a ............ (line 19)

b. Wiglaf is referred to as Beowulf's .... (line 21)

c. The pyre flames are..... (line 28)

There is a mixture of Christian and Pagan elements. Can you say which is which?


1. Can you find any similarities between Beowulf and other epic heroes you have already studied?

2. A film called Beowulf has recently been directed. Can you find any differences between the film and the poem?



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero