
Verner's law
Schema di trasformazione fonologica secondo la legge di Verner

Segnalato da: Antonella Gagliostro
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Vieil anglais ou anglo-saxon
La pagina tratta della storia e delle caratteristiche dell'inglese antico. In Francese

Segnalato da: Antonella Gagliostro
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Vladimir Propp
Voce in Wikipedia

Segnalato da: Nicola Christian Barbieri, Amelia Nocera
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Vladimir Propp's theories
Summary of Propp's theories

Segnalato da: Nicola Christian Barbieri, Amelia Nocera
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Why languages change
In this page an explanation on the changing of languages is provided

Segnalato da: Antonella Gagliostro
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Word Central
Word Central is the place on the Web where kids can learn how much fun words can be! We've developed this site with input from teachers around the country using a language arts curriculum framework. We hope you enjoy it and find it helpful.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei
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Word Work
Exude! A jazzy web of a formally, like, savage, potechnique!

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei
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Write on! - Creative writing as language practice
What are the benefits of creative writing in the language classroom?

For language learners in general
There are three areas in which language learners at an intermediate level and above can benefit from creative writing.

Students express themselves and their own ideas. Most teachers would agree that what we want to say, what comes from the heart, we are happier to work on. Creative writing can be very stimulating and a lot of fun.

Creative writing involves playful but rigorous work with language. A lot of people seem to associate creative writing with an "anything goes" mentality. However, in order to produce a good text, poem, short story or dramatic scene, the language needs to be correct and it needs to work.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei
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We've already begun to turn this discussion from your perspective as a reader to your perspective as a writer. Now let's complete that turn. No less than when you are a reader, when you are a writer you are also always standing at a border, always trying to find the most effective ways of conveying your thoughts, ideas, emotions, interpretations, and meaning to a reader. You are always at a border when you're trying to translate what is in your head onto the page. It isn't just the case that your words and ideas look different on the page than they sound in your head (though they do), but that in many writing situations, the kind of language you have to use isn't the language you're used to using.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei
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Writing and Storytelling
Provides suggestions to improve creative writing

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei
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Your Complete Publishing Tool Box
Books AtoZ provides all the tools and services necessary to publish a book through an alliance of industry vendors. We specialize in helping self and small publishers with layout, printing and marketing consultation, as well as complete Digital Asset Management. Our award winning information pages and links on publishing continue as your best publishing portal.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei
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