
The Modern Practice of Adult Education
knowles : life, theory

Segnalato da: Quadrelli Marta, Gaito Amalia, Serio Caterina, Cicerale Lorena
19 anni in poi

the story of andragogy
Andragogy, or adult learning, is important for GMP trainers to understand and implement in order effectively train adult workers in today's world.  Andragogy is a process of learning which focuses on the needs and experiences of the learner, and involves active learning as opposed to passive absorption of material presented by a teacher

Segnalato da: Quadrelli Marta, Gaito Amalia, Serio Caterina, Cicerale Lorena
19 anni in poi

Educazione degli adulti e rientri scolastici: guida per gli insegnanti.

Segnalato da: Serio Caterina,Gaito Amalia,Cicerale Lorena,Quadrelli Marta
19 anni in poi

What Andragogy Means To Me by Mieke Mynen
Pedagogy’s definition is ‘the art, science, or profession of teaching’, according to Webster’s dictionary. The word Pedagogy comes from the Greek word ‘peda’ meaning boy or child, and ‘agogus’ meaning to lead. For centuries this is how we’ve taught our children. It wasn’t until 1970 that most of us heard the work andragogy with ‘andra’ meaning adults instead of children. Its definition today is the ‘art and science of helping adults’, according to Malcolm Knowles.

Segnalato da: Quadrelli Marta, Gaito Amalia, Serio Caterina, Cicerale Lorena
19 anni in poi

What is andragogy?
When adult education first became popular in the early 1900s, it was assumed that the same methods and techniques used to teach children could also be applied to adults. In fact, pedagogy has come to mean the art and science of teaching, even though its Greek root words actually mean leading children. To compensate for this misinterpretation, the word andragogy was created to refer specifically to the art and science of teaching adults.

Segnalato da: Quadrelli Marta,Gaito Amalia,Serio Caterina,Cicerale Lorena
19 anni in poi

Who is and who is not an adult learner?
Adult learners are volunteers. There is no compulsion involved when teaching adults and therefore motivation is not usually a problem. Adults tend to seek out learning opportunities. Often life changes, such as marriage, divorce, a job change, termination, retirement or a geographical change, serve as the motivation for the adult to seek new learning opportunities (Cross,1981).

Segnalato da: Quadrelli Marta, Gaito Amalia, Serio Caterina, Cicerale Lorena
19 anni in poi

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