Didattica della L2/Didactique de la langue seconde

Selección de manuales y materiales didácticos de ELE (Español Lengua Extranjera)
La selección de los manuales y materiales didácticos adecuados para un determinado curso de español como lengua extranjera supone la adopción de una determinada o forma de trabajo. Los principios metodológicos en los que se ha sustentado el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera a lo largo de su no muy larga historia han experimentado una clara evolución. En las páginas siguientes intentaremos reflejar cuál es el panorama bibliográfico con el que pueden trabajar profesores y alumnos.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno
19 anni in poi

Software per la didattica dell'Italiano

Il sito permette di scaricare un interessante software didattico per l’insegnamento della lingua italiana.

Segnalato da: Barbara Businaro
Più fasce di età

Task-based Language Teaching in practice
This site offers a practical guide to the implementation of TBLT in the L2 classroom.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno
19 anni in poi

Teaching L2 to Non-Literate adults
This site deals with non-literate adults. It provides some guidelines for working with them and contains a series of lessons for developing basic reading and writing in L2.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno
19 anni in poi

Teaching tips that could be used in L2 lessons
There are some ideas that anyone can use at any level of L2 teaching, to stimulate the students' interest and understanding, fostering a more global view of the world. It offers some examples of activities using jokes and games, newspapers, listening and speaking exercises.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno
19 anni in poi

Teaching Unplugged
This is the site of some teachers of English as a Second Language who are committed to promoting a 'poor' pedagogy, that is, a pedagogy unburdened by an excess of materials and technology, a pedagogy grounded in the local and relevant concerns of the people in the room.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno
19 anni in poi

Teaching with minimal resources
A web site where some L2 teachers share their tips and ideas for teaching with limited resources.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno
19 anni in poi

Teaching without a coursebook
A site by and ESL teacher, Adrian Underhill, who choose not to use a coursebook. In this article he puts forward some of his reasons for making this choice, and he outlines what his class does without one. He refers to how this has affected his own development as a L2 teacher.

19 anni in poi

The Coursebook as a Flexible Tool - Materials evaluation and adaptation
Coursebooks have been variously regarded by teachers as the Bible, a guide, a crutch, a necessary evil, or a burden. This web page presents coursebooks in their true dimension: a helpful tool that teachers can use flexibly, and combine with other resources. It deals with materials adaptation (basic Premises and mplications); it gives some general guidelines (what to check in a coursebook, what to check in a lesson/unit); it offers adaptation alternatives (What can be adapted? How can it be adapted? Where do we get alternative materials? How to omit, re-order, combine, replace, add). Some procedures are also suggested.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno
19 anni in poi

Using authentic materials in L2 teaching
Using authentic materials can be rewarding and stimulating for both teacher and students. This site presents some ways of using authentic materials at lower levels of L2 classrooms.  Some example of how to adapt this kind of material to the students' level are given, in order to prevent the fear that students normally feel when faced with language that is largely unfamiliar to them.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno
1-5 anni

Vocabulaire d'Italien

Il sito è interessante in quanto propone numerosi percorsi lessicali per imparare il vocabolario di base dell’italiano in riferimento a diverse aree semantiche (abbigliamento, mezzi di trasporto, animali, caratteristiche umane, città, etc.).

Segnalato da: Barbara Businaro
Più fasce di età

Vocabulary. Vegetables. Free worksheets
Interactive exercises

Segnalato da: Marilena Nicoletta
Più fasce di età

Vocabulary. Vegetables.Quiz.

Segnalato da: Marilena Nicoletta
Più fasce di età

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