Formazione on-line per gli insegnanti

Understanding the MBTI ® and Personality Type
The following article by Australian Peter Geyer provides a nice introduction to MBTI concepts and applications. Peter (INTP) is a consultant, researcher and writer in the field of C G Jung's theory of psychological types. He conducts MBTI Accreditation and Qualifying programs and presents internationally on a regular basis. Many more articles can be found on Peter's website.

Segnalato da: Irene Adezati
19 anni in poi

Using flash cards with young learners
Flashcards are a simple, versatile, yet often under exploited resource. I would like to offer some reasons for using flash cards and a selection of activities for use in the Young Learner classroom, although some of the activities could also be used with fun-loving, lower level adult classes.

Segnalato da: Irene Adezati
19 anni in poi

VAK en el aula
Cada vez que explicamos algo o que le ponemos a nuestro alumnos un ejercicio utilizamos un sistema de representación y no otros. Cada ejercicio, cada actividad, cada experimento, según como este diseñado presentará la información de una determinada manera y le pedirá a los alumnos que utilicen unos sistemas de representación concretos.

¿Qué sistema de representación tienen que utilizar nuestros alumnos cuando les explicamos algo oralmente? ¿cuándo escribimos en la pizarra? ¿cuándo completan un rompecabezas?

Segnalato da: Irene Adezati
19 anni in poi

Visivo, auditivo, cinetico...
I ragazzi di una classe sono diversi gli uni dagli altri. Bella scoperta direte voi. Certo, non ho scoperto nulla di nuovo, solo che molto spesso noi insegnanti non ce ne ricordiamo. Proponiamo di preferenza lo stesso tipo di lavoro a tutta la classe senza tenere in considerazione i vari tipi di allievo che abbiamo davanti e pretendiamo da tutti il medesimo tipo di risposta.
É necessario, invece, porre particolare attenzione al modo di essere dei nostri allievi, al modo cioè in cui percepiscono la realtà, a come si mettono in relazione con essa e a come la rielaborano

Segnalato da: Irene Adezati
19 anni in poi

Visual Learners
Visual learners like to sit in a position where they can see the teacher/lecturer during a class. This allows them to clearly see the teacher's body language and facial expressions.

Segnalato da: Irene Adezati
19 anni in poi

Visual thinking
Picture thinking, visual thinking or visual/spatial learning is the phenomenon of thinking through visual processing, where most people would think with linguistic or verbal processing.[citation needed] It is nonlinear and often has the nature of a computer simulation, in the sense that a lot of data is put through a process to yield insight into complex systems, which would be impossible through language alone.

Segnalato da: Irene Adezati
19 anni in poi

Visual/spatial Learning
Learning, for visual-spatial learners, takes place all at once, with large chunks of information grasped in intuitive leaps, rather than in the gradual accretion of isolated facts, small steps or habit patterns gained through practice. For example, they can learn all of the multiplication facts as a related set in a chart much easier and faster than memorizing each fact independently

Segnalato da: Irene Adezati
19 anni in poi

site of world association of sign language interpreters

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

When do you study?
Now think about the best time for you to study. You can do this by realising when you are at your most productive and when you have free time. Is it early in the morning, in the middle of the day, early evening or late at night? Don't forget to take into account attending classes, social, work, leisure and personal or family commitments.

Segnalato da: Irene Adezati
14-19 anni

Indietro - Pagina 8 di 8