King Lear: Love, Tyranny and Madness di Nadia Signorello


Evaluation Test

1. Which of the following is King Lear's youngest daughter?

a. Regan

b. Cordelia

c. Goneril

d. Elanor

e. Gretchen

2. Who eventually takes Cordelia's hand in marriage?

a. The Duke of Albany

b. The Duke of Burgundy

c. The King of Spain

d. The King of France

e. The Duke of Cornwall

3. Which character loses his eyesight?

a. Gloucester

b. The Fool

c. Kent

d. Poor Tom

e. Edmund

4. What happens to Kent after he confronts Lear for his harsh treatment of Cordelia?

a. He is promptly executed

b. He is given a warning, but no other action was taken

c. He is severely beaten

d. His title is stripped, and he is publicly humiliated

e. He is banished for his insolence

5. The King of this country invades Britain late in the play:

a. Spain

b. Holland

c. France

d. Italy

e. Germany

6. Gloucester is accused of ............ when he returns to the castle after sending Lear to Dover.

a. Rape

b. Murder

c. Robbery

d. Treason

e. Embezzlement

7. How many distinguishable plots exist in this play?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

8. A the end of the play Kent:

a. Is killed

b. Dies naturally

c. Wanders off to meet his marker

d. Is melancholy, but looks forward to leading Britain

e. Is blind

9. Which of the following SURVIVES at the end of King Lear?

a. Regan

b. Edgar

c. Cordelia

d. Goneril

e. Edmund

10. In the barn scene, Lear holds a mock trial. In it he accuses ............. of crimes against him.

a. The Duke of Cornwall

b. Edmund

c. Regan and Goneril

d. Gloucester

e. Oswald



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