Explaining desertification di Simona Gili


Among less-developed countries, China and South Korea stand out for having substantially increased their forested areas in recent times. Throughout most of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the forest area is shrinking, and usually not according to any rational plan. Areas that were densely settled long ago, such as the Middle East, parts of North Africa, the Andean region of South America, and most of China and South Asia, lost the bulk of their forests in ages past, though the depletion of tree cover generally continues. But many developing countries in other areas are now experiencing unprecedented forest destruction.
Many of the most severe human impacts of the decline in tree cover are unfolding in drier, lightly wooded areas of the Third World where vegetation reduction helps create desert-like conditions and acute fuel-wood shortages. But what most people think of as deforestation, the conversion of closed forests to other uses or to scrubland, today occurs mainly in the humid tropics.

As forests are razed in the absence of sound land-use plans, priceless biological resources [F1] [F2] [E1] [E2] are eliminated, crucial ecological services disrupted, and future economic potentials lost. Probably the statement that all the world's rain forests will be gone by century's end is clearly exaggerated, but a continuation of recent trends will be costly.
Regions that are going to chance into arid lands are located near the five principles deserts [E1] [E2] [E3] [E4] [ES1] [I1] of the world:

* Sonora desert [E1] [E2] [E3] form north-west Mexico to south-west of USA;
* Atacama desert, in south America;
* Sahara desert [E2] [E3] [F1], Arabic desert [E1], Iran and ex-USSR desert [E1], Rajasthan Indian desert, Takla-makan and Gobi [E1], in China and Mongolia;
* Kalahari desert [E2] [E3] in south Africa;
* Many Australian regions [E1] [E2].

There are also other countries strictly controlled:
* in Africa [F1] [E1] [E2] 66% of every lands is arid or semi arid; in north America 33%.
* In the United States [E1] [E2] [E3] 40% of continental lands is considered desertification vulnerable

* In Texas 40% of the livestock lands is too much arid for use
Also in Europe the problem is evident: 65% of agricultural lands, semi-arid, and arid has yet been attached by desertification.
Risk regions are present in Mediterranean countries. In fact UNCCD includes a part dedicated to north Mediterranean regions.



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