The Second Generation Of English Romantic Poets: Byron, Shelley And Keats di Elena Bordone, Paolo Racca
per contatti:


Decide if these statements about Byron are true (T) or false (F) and correct the false ones.

  • Byron lived a conventional life
  • He went to live abroad to take care of his health
  • His marriage did not last long
  • His public identified him with the hero of his works
  • Don Juan was greatly appreciated by contemporary critics

Shelley’s Defence of Poetry was a major contribution to the Romantic movement’s discussion of poetry and the poet.
What view of poetry and the poet did it help to establish?

How would you describe the language used by Keats? Choose from among the following:

  • Solemn
  • Every day life
  • Descriptive
  • Obscure
  • Melancholic
  • Prosaic

Answer the following questions.

  • Did irony play an important role in the second generation of Romantic poets?
  • Give a brief account of Byron’s life.
  • Shelley was a rebel from his early life: explain why.
  • What is the main theme of Keats’s Ode on a Grecian Urn?
  • How would you describe Keats’s aestheticism?

Answer these multiple choice questions.

  • Which of the following is NOT a quality of a Romantic hero?
    • He often comes in contact with people and saves them
    • He values emotion over rational thought
    • He is often youthful, innocent, and intuitive
  • Who wrote The Masque of Anarchy?
    • Shelley
    • Byron
    • Keats
  • Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is:
    • ballad
    • A sonnet
    • A lyric poem
  • In which one among the following poems does an ancient work of art stand as an immortal symbol of beauty ?
    • Ode to a Grecian Urn
    • A Dirge
    • The vision of Judgement
  • Which poem makes great use of a device called ‘deflation’?
    • Ode to a Grecian Urn
    • The vision of Judgement
    • Don Juan
  • What is the metric form used by Byron in Don Juan?
    • Heroic couplet
    • Blank verse
    • Ottava rima



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