Breast milk and powdered milk di Cecilia Giordano



Examples of short essays for the students are proposed as following:

1. How do the habitat and the habits of mammals affect the compositional specificity of their milk?
Length required: 10-15 lines
Key words required: e.g. species, chemical composition, mother-child relationship, primates, nutrition, contact, ...

2. How does human milk's composition change through time?
Length required: 5-10 lines
Key words required: e.g. baby's need/age, colostrum, transitional milk, mature milk, ...

3. Describe the production steps of milk by the mammary gland.
Length required: 5-10 lines
Key words required: oestrogen, progesterone, prolactin, lactogenesis, ...

4. Analyze the importance of colostrum for the first immunitary defences development in the baby.
Length required: 5-10 lines
Key words required: e.g. immunoglobulins, macrophagus, neutrophils, lymphocytes, prostaglandins, ...

5. On the bases of human milk's chemical composition and the associate nutritional properties, discuss the advantages of breast feeding versus artificial nutrition of the babies.
Length required: 20-25 lines
Key words required: e.g. proteins, fats, lactose, enzymes, minerals, water, taurina, complete, balance, metabolic needs, allergies, immune system, ...

6. How and why should cow's milk be modified in order to be more properly used for human babies nutrition?
Length required: 5-10 lines
Key words required: e.g. components concentration, dilution, glucose addition, digestibility, ...

7. Describe the main industrial production methods of powdered milk.
Length required: 10-15 lines
Key words required: e.g. centrifugation, thermal treatment, homogenization, dehydration, spray-drying, instantaneity, bacteriological testing, ...

8. In which cases can the formula nutrition be advantageous both for the baby and the mother?
Length required: 5 lines
Key words required: medical and environmental emergency, lack, illness, ...




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