Breast milk and powdered milk di Cecilia Giordano

Advantages and disadvantages of powdered milk

Advantages and disadvantages of powdered milk

[E22] [E23] [F19] [F20] [F21] [I9] [I13] [I14] [D12]

The use of powdered milk has two different aspects, one positive and one negative, according to the specific situation. For example it can be used in the event of a medical emergency (war, natural disasters, famine, lack of human milk).

The negative aspect is the aim to substitute human milk with powdered milk just for marketing reasons, compromising the normal mother-child relationship and the health of the baby. The superiority of human milk is common, official knowledge. The research aims to discover new aspects about its composition and hymmunologic properties.



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero