L'intolleranza razziale antiebraica di Giovanni Lauretta (giovanni.lauretta@fastwebnet.it), Fulvia Dellavalle (fulvia_dellavalle@yahoo.it), Daniela De Luca (dana.dl@libero.it), Maria De Luca (deindeit@yahoo.it)


1. Compare how the theme of racial discrimination has been developed in the texts we have read. (Texts from Reunion and If This Is a Man).

2. What does the word racism mean?

3. What’s the difference between race and ethnic group?

4. Show the differences between the aims of Gobineau’s and Darwin’s theories.

5. Talk about the persecution of Jews during Hitler’s and Mussolini’s dictatorships.

6. Up to the modern science, which are the main morphological differences between men?

7. Talking about the mix of different people, what did genetic studies show?

8. What a criterion has been used to make a difference between different ethnic groups?

9. Compare the articles of Italian Constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. What can you see the respect of human dignity in?

10. Why do we still talk about the problem of racial discrimination today? What are the ways to face it?

11. Does it still make sense talking about race? Why?

12. Primo Levi invites us not to forget atrocities of Nazism to avoid their repetition. Do you agree with him?

Chose the right answer

13. To protect people from intolerance and discrimination we need:

a) clear and hard laws

b) good laws from the State and learning to respect other people at school

c) more severe school programs

14. Italian Constitution says that:

a) “everyone has got the same dignità and the same rights”

b) “women have more rights than men”

c) “people who was not born in Italy has less rights than Italian people”

15. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

a) involves all men in Earth

b) involves just European people

c) involves just those who were born after 1948 (when Declaration was born)

16. Universal Declaration of Human Rights supports equality between all men. In your opinion today:

a) all men are free and equally respected

b) not all men are free nor equally respected

17. In The Meaning of Things: Applying a Philosophy to Life Grayling says that:

a) racism has a biological base

b) racism hasn’t got any biological base

c) there are better races in nature

18.Scientific racism:

a) Justifies colonialism and exploitation

b) Was born before capitalism

c) Is a medieval way of thinking

19.In Tahar Ben Jalloun’s opinion anti-Semitism is:

a) hating Jews

b) hating Arabs

c) hating Jews and Arabs

20.In Reunion Uhlman talks about the friendship between

a) a Jew boy and an Arab boy

b) a Jew boy and a German boy

c) an Israelitic boy and a Palestinian boy

21.The story of Reunion happens in Germany in which years of last century? Germania negli anni:

a) 30s

b) 50s

c) 80s

22. In If this is a man Primo Levi talks about his life in

a) Auschwitz

b Mathausen

c) Buchenwald

23. Anna Frank’s Diary was published after 1945 and...

a) its success was immediate and editors printed economic versions

b) its success was very big abroad but not in Germany

c) its success was big after an article in a magazine

24. Wiesel in The night talks about

a) his staying Auschwitz

b) the adventure of two friends in Auschwitz

c) his escape from Auschwitz

25. The division between races today:

a) isn’t accepted any more

b) is just good for biology

c) has been studied by geography

26. In the poem at the end of If this is a man Levi invites us:

a) not to forget violence of Nazism

b) avenge Jews

True or false?

- Darwin wrote an hypothesis about evolution of species

- Gobineau didn’t think German race overtook other races

- In Darwin’s opinion, new species come from species which existed before

- In Mein Kampf Hitler talks about Arian race and Lebensraum or “living space”

- Between 1943 and 1945 there was a persecution of Italian Jews’ rights

-The Manifesto of Arian Race was favourable to Hamitic descents

-Homo sapiens represents the common origin for all men

-Jews went from Italy to Palestine during the Second millennium

-When Jews came back to Palestine, they were taken there by Moses

-ADN decides only people’s height

Net the following sentences to the correct word

- On October 6th 1938 Grand Council of Fascism approves anti-Jews laws

- Genocide of an ethnic, national, religious, racial group

- In the night between November 8th and 9th 1938 Hitler allowed in all Germany violence versus Jews

- Programme of conquest and domination

- In fight for existence the winners are those who have some good quality

Theory of Hitler; Kristallnacht; Lebensraum or Living space; Shoah; Declaration on Race; Darwin’s theory; final solution;Laws of Norimberga

-Spontaneous acquisition of information in the first years of life

-25 hours fasting

-Human group based on criterions of classification

-Racism created by cultural radical relativism

-Attitude of those who judge wrong inhabits of other people and think their own inhabits are normal and right

Imprinting – Kippur – ethnic group – differential racism – ethnocentri



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