The genocide in Rwanda di Alessia Fia


The Rwanda population is composed by one ethnical group, the "Banyaruanda", divided in three tribes, according to the traditional subdivision of the population that characterises the whole African continent: the Hutu, the Tutsi (the aristocratic and rich minority) and the Batwa (or Twa)[E1][F1][F2][S1][I1][I2].

Here therefore how the ruandese population is composed and divided:

Hutu (90%) - 6.450.000

Tutsi (9%) - 645.000

Twa (1%) - 29.000 (other communities are found in Burundi, Uganda and Zaire)

The Rwanda has originally been populated by nomadic hunters and collectors in the forests, that represent therefore the native nucleus of the population, called pygmy or Batwa.

Thanks to the favourable climatic and environmental characteristics, Rwanda has been earth of emigration: before the arrived of Hutu, agriculturists of Bantu origin, deriving therefore from the Cameroon, then, between the XIII and the XIV century the Tutsi, nomadic shepherd coming from Ethiopia.

Tutsi were culturally more advanced in comparison to the other, so it born the idea that they came from some region of evolved civilisation as Ethiopia, or still better Egypt, so this tribe has begun to impose on the other group, to became the first class in the economic and social pyramid and to establish a social structure that puts the Batwa to the borders of this society, oppressed by the Tutsi and by the Hutu, that pushed them to occupy the lowest level of the pyramid.

Proceeding for degrees, we see how these two group live: the Batwa are rarely earth's holders, in fact many work to day in the farms of the Hutu, while another part of them is tied up, as principal source of subsistence, to the production and the ceramics sale, but today the importation of the plastic containers is reducing in drastic way their market.

The Twa group is the poorest class and therefore more subject to every kind of discriminations: for instance they cannot even drink in the public fountains or get married, and their children are not officially recognised and so they cannot have personal documents because they don’t pay the matrimonial tax.

The Hutu constitute the great mass of the farmers that cultivate the fields of the Tutsi that are essentially breeders and masters of them.

This was the situation, under the ethnic profile, of the Pre-colonial Rwanda.



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