The American Constitution di Barbara Franchino

Structure of the Constitution

Like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution begins with a Preamble [E1] [E2] [Fr][Es][I] which explains the purpose of writing it. Seven articles describing the main features of the government follow.

Articles I, II and III describe the legislative, executive , and judicial of the government respectively.

The Fourth article explains the relationship of the states to one another and to the federal government.

The Fifth article explains the amendment process .

Article VI deals with general ideas – the national debt, the authority of the Constitution, and office holding.

The last article tells how the Constitution is to be ratified.

Next came the amendments [E1][E2][F][Es][I]. The first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights [E1] [E2][F][Es][I].



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero