I sistemi energetici dell'organismo di Simone Acerbi (simo.acerbi@tiscali.it), Sonia Mencarelli (sonia.mencarelli@unito.it), Alessandra Cedrini (alecdrn@katamail.com)


What they are and what’s their use

Carbohydrates[En2][En3][En4][En5], or glucids, are molecules containing hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.

They really represent the cleanest kind of energy (their transforming in energy in the organism doesn’t produce any toxic waste) which is quickly available in order to guarantee the necessary “fuel” for muscles and brain.

Where they can be found

In pasta [En2] , bread, rice, cereals, fruit and sweetmeats.

What happens in case of shortage

Carbohydrate percentages lower than 60% of requirement may cause tiredness and asthenia[En2].

What happens in case of excess

Percentages higher than 60% may lead to appetite loss and digestion troubles; the exceeding carbohydrates turn into fat.



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Edurete.org Roberto Trinchero