Cybersecurity: from viruses to digital signature di Luca Libanore (, Francesco Pagano (

- Phishing

Phishing [I1][I2][I3] [I4] [I5] [F1][F2][F3] [F4] [S1] [S2] [S3] [S4] [E1] [E2] [E3] [E4] is a informatic fraud that uses fake e-mails with the aim of acquiring private data for illegal purposes. In this phenomenon people ask secret information by using fake e-mails or fake web sites. These pieces of information are then used to damage the owner of data and to steal money from him without letting him know.

That’s how it works. You receive an e-mail which seems to come from your bank and tells you that there is a problem in the home banking system. The e-mail than suggests you to open the bank home page on which you have your web bank account and to click on the link they suggest. In this moment a window appears (pop up) on which to press the “user ID” and your password to access the home banking. After few seconds another window appears which tells you that the connection is not possible at the moment. In that moment someone has taken your personal data and can use your bank account. So, be extremely careful when you are asked to give personal data or information about your bank account or passwords from uncertain web sites or e-mail.



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero