English Speaking Countries: India di Marilena Nicoletta


This learning path, part of a larger project focused on English speaking countries, offers a series of insights into some essential aspects of Indian culture and tradition.

The language employed and the concepts expressed make these short texts suitable for EFL students attending the second high school year.

Some links can be used by teachers to update and enlarge their knowledge, some others offer some materials which can be discussed directly in class.

Beside highlighting cultural studies key concepts, the activities present some grammar hints about how the text can be fruitfully exploited.

A simple metacognitive reflection follows each activity.

Level:B1 (Common European Framework).

Period: end of the second term to allow students to master the basic grammar structures

Ideal class: 2nd year High School


  • Knowledge of some basic grammar structures (simple present,simple past, imperative...);
  • knowledge of the basic communicative functions described in levels A1 –A2 of the Common European Framework[E1][F1][I1](how to ask and give personal information, …);
  • habit to approach a thematic unit articulated into different texts;
  • habit to work in groups and in pairs.
Methodology:cooperative learning, jigsaw acitvity; students work individually, in pairs and in groups.
Timing: 6-7 modules depending on the students' linguistic competence and on their interest towards the topic


The students should be able to:


  • re-activate pre knowledge about and learn new vocabulary concerning a particular lexical field;
  • re-activate knowledge about basic grammar structures and use them in simple exercises;
  • highlight key information about a cultural studies topic by skimming and scanning different texts;
  • write short texts concerning some basic aspects of the topic;
  • answer different typologies of questions concerning the text;
  • build a dialogue from a set pattern and perform it with a partner.

Cultural Studies:

  • write a brief report or speak about the most meaningful Indian historical events,
  • describe the most important features concerning Indian regions, mountains, climate and vegetation;
  • write a brief report or speak about social conditions paying particular attention to sex and economic discrimination, literacy and school systems;
  • list the most important festivities and the typical meals;
  • discuss the most developed economic activities and some of the Government's policies to improve them;
  • give some key information about Indian institutions and historical characters.

Strategic and Metacognitive:

  • carry out a jig saw activity[E1][E2] [F1][I1] or a cooperative learning[E1][F1][S1][I1][I2] by accepting partners’ mistakes and putting into value their original contribution;
  • be aware that a spider gram can be useful to better visualize and learn new vocabulary;
  • create a spider gram.



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Edurete.org Roberto Trinchero