English Speaking Countries: Uk di Marilena Di Palma

- Introduction -


This teaching unit must be considered one of a number of similar teaching units designed to introduce students to the cultural aspect of the various English- speaking countries. This very unit will focus on Britain and students will be introduced to the geographical aspects of this country, to its historical background as well as to other peculiar cultural aspects.

Class The following lessons are addressed to students of a secondary school.

Level B1 (pre-intermediate or intermediate, according to the European Framework)



Students know a few English general words related to geography and history.


- Passives

- Simple past

- Comparatives and superlatives


Knowledge: - At the end of these series of lessons:

-Students will be more aware of the differences of the varieties of English in the world;

-Students will know a series of facts regarding Britain (geography, history, population, etc.)

Skills and know-how:- At the end of the lessons:

- Students will be able to make cultural inferences analysing texts and observing images

- Students will be able to fill-in charts

- Students will be able to answer to questions retrieving information from the text

- Students will be able to answer to non-retrieval and imaginative questions

- Students will be able to bring their culture and the British one into relation

Ability to learn:- During the lessons:

- Students will use and share their prior knowledge of the world and their language skills to deal with different textual features

- Students will be able to cooperate effectively in pairs or in group

- Students will be able to organise and use the materials they have been given to complete the different tasks

Teacher’s notes

The following material could be used in classes with a large number of pupils. In this case I would suggest a cooperative learning activity such as the jigsaw reading [E2] [I1]. This way the class could be divided into smaller groups to learn all about one specific cultural aspect (e.g. history or geography); then each group member could relate the rest of his/her group about what he/she has learnt.



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