Learning Styles di Irene Adezati


Each of us is a unique human being. We eat in a certain way, we sign our name in a certain way, and we study and acquire new information in our own personal way by making use of our habitual or preferred modes.

Have you ever thought about your preferences? Do you like studying alone, or with your friends and classmates? Do you like planning and organizing your study, or are you a flexible and spontaneous person? Do you usually try to understand what you are going to do (before actually doing it), or do you usually prefer living experiences personally and then trying to understand them?

If you have ever asked yourself these questions, then you have started thinking about you learning styles. Your learning style is the way you get and process new information.

Let’s look at some definitions.
Learning style [I1] [I2] [F1] [F2] ]S1] [S2] [S3] [S4] can be defined as the usual or characteristic manner in which a learner goes about the task of learning (Moore, 1987).

It is a combination of how people perceive and how people process that forms the uniqueness of learning style. The most comfortable way to learn (Kolb) [I]

Learning styles are influenced by both nature and nurture and encompass behavioural, perceptual, cognitive concept-forming and affective aspects [(Kate Kinsella, 1995)

Learning styles are the cognitive, affective, and psychological factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment (Keefe, 1979).

The way we learn is not only influenced by the nature of the knowledge that comes to us, but also by the environment we are in and the people we interact with . Besides this, our personality influences our approach to learning, and personal factors such as shyness or extroversion may determine even the channels we use to absorb, process and retrieve new knowledge.

Key words and expressions:

  • Perception of the environment
  • Learning preferences
  • Sensory channels
  • Cognitive styles
  • Personality
  • Affective aspects



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