Learning Styles di Irene Adezati


Different models have been offered to describe personality-centred styles. One of the various theories which could be studied (the theory suggested by Myers and Myers) aims at pinpointing different psychological styles. Styles in this theory are measured via the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator [E2] [E3] [E4] [E5] [I1] [I2] [F1] [F3] [S1] [S2] [S3]

  1. With regard to our attitudes in dealing with people we encounter: there is the distinctions between extraversion (outgoing people) and introversion (people who are more inwardly focused) .
  2. With regard to perceptual functions: there is the distinction between intuitive (an intuitive person perceives new input holistically; he/she concentrates on meaning rather than details) and sensing (a sensing person perceives information realistically and precisely).
  3. With regard to judgement: there is the distinction between thinking (thinking people tend to be logical, analytical, and impersonal in their judgements) and feeling (feeling people are more oriented toward values and emotions in their judgements).
  4. With regard to interpretation of information: there is the distinction between perceptive (perceptive people are more dependent on information in the environment) and judging (judging people are more willing to go beyond the information in the environment to make interpretations).

People are classified according to their preferences on the four scales. Each of the 16 combinations of types that make up the four distinction is alleged to produce a different overall personality type. Sensing types, for example, who are introverts, are alleged to be serious, quiet, and to earn success by concentration. They are believed to be practical, orderly, matter of fact and realistic. In contrast, intuitive types, who are extroverts, are believed to be hearty, frank, decisive, and leaders in activities. They feel real concern for what others think and want, and try to handle things with regard for other people’s feelings.



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