The Beat Generation di Loredana Di Francesco

Kerouac's narrative style

Kerouac and his narrative style

Kerouac, in the essay " Essentials of Spontaneous Prose " (published on the Evergreen Review in 1958), defined the rules of his own narrative style: the method of sketching ( formulated by the author after reading Neal Cassady's interminable letters ) is characterized by total improvisation, like that of jazz musicians (for ex., Charlie Parker, the inventor of bop ).
In quote, here are the nine key points summarizing Kerouac's ideas about his writing method:
  • set up: "The object is set before the mind, either in reality, as in sketching... or is set in the memory"
  • procedure: "Time being of the essence in the purity of speech, sketching language is undisturbed flow from the mind of personal secret idea-words, blowing ( as per jazz musicians ) on subject of image"
  • method: "No periods separating sentence - structures already arbitrarily riddled by false colons and timid usually needless commas - but the vigorous space dash separating rethorical breathing (as jazz musician drawing breath between outblown phrases)"
  • scoping: "Not selectivity of expression but following free deviation (association) of mind into limitless blow-on-subject seas of thought, swimming in a sea of English"
  • lag in procedure: "No pause to think of proper word but the infantile pileup of scatological buildup words till satisfaction is gained"
  • timing: "Nothing is muddy that runs in time and to laws of time ... no revision"
  • center of interest: "Begin not from preconceived idea of what to say about image but from the jewel center of interest in subject of image at moment of writing, and write outwards swimming in the sea of language to peripheral release and exhaustion - Do not afterthink ...-Tap from yourself the song of yourself, blow!- your way is your only way- always honest, spontaneous, confessional, not crafted"
  • structure of work: "Modern bizarre structures (science fiction, etc.) arise from language being dead, "different" themes give illusion of "new" life"
  • mental state: "If possible write "without consciousness" in semi-trance... write excitedly, swiftly, with writing-or-typing cramps"



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero