English Speaking Countries: Canada di Carola Barioglio

Final activities

final activities

Let’s work togheter!

Use the information you have gathered about Canada:






6.Political status

7.Capital city

8.Main festivities


And create a poster!

You are in charge of the new campaign to develop tourism in Canada. You have to create a poster to invite people to visit Canada.

The poster has to contain:

-a slogan (Ex: Are you looking for an amazing experience among the wilderness of nature? Canada is your place!)

-important aspects and characteristics of this country, expressed as appealing statements to encourage people to choose Canada as their holiday destination.


The poster can include charts and drawings.

Don’t forget to use information you have got from our lessons.

Creative writing

Write a brief story… (minimum 80 words).

I am camping in one of the Canadian parks with my family. At night, while I am sleeping in my tent, a strange noise wakes me up…



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