Risultati ricerca

Virtual Hospital,a digital library of health informations
Virtual Hospital is a digital health sciences library created in 1992 at the University of Iowa to help meet the information needs of health care providers and patients. The goal of the Virtual Hospital digital library is to make the Internet a useful medical reference and health promotion tool for health care providers and patients. The Virtual Hospital digital library contains thousands of textbooks and booklets for health care providers and patients

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Simple Guide to Orthopaedics
WorldOrtho is an interactive web site, created and maintained by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Nepean Hospital, Sydney, Australia on a fast, regularly updated server featuring a wealth of information and services.
On this website you will find over 3000 pictures with accompanying text, quizzes, and online books, directed at students, junior doctors, paramedics, and other health professionals.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Medical virology
The Division of Medical Microbiology is involved in all activities pertaining to the promotion of improved health care and prevention of infections.
This includes training of medical students, science students and medical technologists,
as well as applied research.  
Virological investigations are undertaken by the Division of Medical Virology.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

AIDS & HIV antiretroviral drug treatment in resource poor communities
This page is intended as a basic introduction to the use of antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV/AIDS in adults and adolescents in resource poor and/or highly affected communities.
Questa pagina contiene informazioni sui tipi di droghe antiretrovirali per il trattamento dell'AIDS e l'HIV in adulti e adolescenti nelle Comunità e i tipi di prove di laboratorio che devono essere effettuate prima di iniziare il trattamento.

Segnalato da: Letizia Manuela

Sito sugli strumenti musicali

Segnalato da: Lori G.

Northern California's Comprehensive Thalassemia Center
The purpose of this website is to provide information which will result in improved quality of life and survival to thalassemia patients and their families. In order to accomplish this,the website addresses information necessary for patients, families, health providers and interested community members.

Segnalato da: Daniela Crestani

Health Topics
MedlinePlus is a goldmine of good health information from the world's largest medical library, the National Library of Medicine. Health professionals and consumers alike can depend on it for information that is authoritative and up to date. MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 650 diseases and conditions. There are also health information in Spanish.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Health encyclopaedia
The website’s health encyclopaedia contains over 400 topics covering illnesses and conditions, tests, treatments and operations. Many topics are supported by illustrations or photographs.

Information on illnesses or conditions includes sections covering diagnosis, prevention, complications and treatment. Information about tests, treatments and operations explain why they are necessary, when they can be done, why they should be done, when they should be done, how they are performed, results, recovery and future prospects.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Allergic disorders.
Presenting the most recent science-based findings on the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disorders.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Information abought influenza: Vaccination, infection control,clinical description and diagnosis.  

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

sartoria di cossano

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Diet and Nutrition
Comprehensive and reliable medical information on over 70 diet and nutrition topics, ranging from vitamins and minerals — giving an overview, dosage recommendations, side effects, and food sources — to additives in food, school lunches, vegetarianism, and much more.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Food Allergy
Pictures and images,overview,causes and risk factors, prevention symptoms and signs.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Allergic Reactions
Cause,symptoms and signs,prevention,first aid, pictures and images.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Hepatitis: overview, causes, and risk factors; symptoms and signs; prevention; pictures and images.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Asthma: information and resources about causes, action plans, prevention, peak flows, symptom diary, triggers, and treatment. Includes pictures and illustrations.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Poisons and Overdoses
Comprehensive and reliable medical information on over 300 poisoning and overdosing topics, ranging from acetaminophen, to brown recluse spider, to window cleaners.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Medical Symptoms
Comprehensive and reliable medical information on over 300 specific symptoms, such as abdominal pain, headaches, or  diarrhea, to allow users to search topics by what they are experiencing.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

List of some examples of best practices.
Infopoverty Programme Mission : to create communitarian centres of access in rural and urban disadvantaged areas of the planet, with initial specialist support, in order to promote development through the use of Information and Communication

Segnalato da: Edoardo Chianura

Site d'information sur les allergies et leurs mécanismes, réalisé et mis à jour par le docteur Philippe Auriol, allergologue. Fiches pratiques sur les différents allergènes

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Le journal des allergies
Site portail sur l'allergie. Actualités des allergies, dépêches, congrès, annuaire de liens

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Serveur sur les maladies allergiques. De nombreux dossiers et informations sur l'épidémiologie, l'allergo-anesthésie, l'allergie aux piqûres d'hyménoptères, les allergies médicamenteuses, allergies et environnement, rubrique pratique (règles de bonne pratique, tests cutanés, allergies croisées), enseignement et recherche (cas cliniques avec autoévaluation).

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

AllergieNet est le premier site en français consacré aux allergies et à l'asthme. Créé et maintenu par des médecins, il s'adresse aussi bien aux professionnels de santé qu'au grand public. Liens avec d'autres sites médicaux.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

World Allergy Organization
The World Allergy Organization (WAO) is an international umbrella organization whose members consist of 70 regional and national allergology and clinical immunology societies from around the world.
Here you can find informations about allergic diseases and up-to-the-minute news of developments in allergy management and treatment.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Les Allergies alimentaires
Information sur les allergies alimentaires: mécanisme,causes, manifestations clinique, diagnostics, traitement préventif.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

L'informazion épidemologie sur Internet
AllAfrica Gobal Media, groupe mutimédia, leader dans la distribution d'informations et de nouvelles en provenance d'Afrique. Avec plus d'une centaine d'organes de presse partenaires, AllAfrica distribue, au quotidien, plus de 500 articles de presse aux quatre coins du monde grâce à son réseau de redistributeurs institutionnels et à son site web. Recherche par sujet, par pays.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Le paludisme
Site Internet d'information et d'éducation.
- Une base d'informations globale destinée aux patients et aux professionnels de santé Africains.
- Des informations en temps réel sur l'avancée de la lutte contre le paludisme
- Un outil de formation à distance pour les professionnels
- La liste de tous les rendez-vous importants sur le sujet.
L'espace voyageurs: un espace destiné à tous ceux qui envisagent de partir dans des pays endémiques et qui souhaitent avoir des précisions sur les symptômes et la prévention.
L'espace médecins: un espace dédié aux professionnels de santé regroupant les renseignements spécifiques sur la maladie et une partie interactive pour être au fait des nouveautés et actions mises en place concernant le paludisme: des cours en ligne, actualités, évènements et compte-rendus, épidémiologie et fiches pays, documentation et diapothèque, avis d'experts, carnet d'adresse, foire aux questions…
de quoi satisfaire les plus avides d'information.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Carta africana dei diritti dell'uomo e dei popoli
La Carta è stats adottata a Nairobi il 28 giugno 1981 dalla Conferenza dei Capi di Stato e di Governo dell’Organizzazione dell’Unità Africana. Entrata in vigore il 21 ottobre 1986. Stati Parti al gennaio 2004: 53 (tutti gli Stati membri dell’Unione Africana)

Segnalato da: Valeria Bergamasco

A resource guide for human rights educators. Includes a listing of human rights organisations, training programmes, funders; annotated bibliography; Internet resources.

Segnalato da: ValeriaBergamasco

Global Human Rights Education List Archive
Mailing list on human rights education for teachers and educators.

Segnalato da: Valeria Bergamasco

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