Risultati ricerca

Office of National Drug Control Policy
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), a component of the Executive Office of the President, was established by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

The principal purpose of ONDCP is to establish policies, priorities, and objectives for the Nation's drug control program. The goals of the program are to reduce illicit drug use, manufacturing, and trafficking, drug-related crime and violence, and drug-related health consequences. To achieve these goals, the Director of ONDCP is charged with producing the National Drug Control Strategy. The Strategy directs the Nation's anti-drug efforts and establishes a program, a budget, and guidelines for cooperation among Federal, State, and local entities.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

The Center for Alcohol and other Drug Education (CADE)
The Center for Alcohol and other Drug Education (CADE) at The George Washington University (GW) serves to educate students so that they can make informed and responsible decisions regarding substance-related behavior and other student-wellness issues. Through collaboration with other service areas and departments on campus, CADE provides programs, services, and resources that encourage students to recognize that their decisions impact not only themselves, but also the greater GW and District of Columbia communities.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

Take action against substance abuse and gun violence
The world's leading health body has agreed to launch an international study on how to prevent excessive drinking and alcohol-related problems.

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The Addiction Science Network (ASNet)
The Addiction Science Network (ASNet) is a virtual network for the scientific study of addiction and for the application of information derived from scientific analysis to the problems of addiction. Explicit in the mission of the ASNet is the dissemination of information about addiction, which is accomplished in part through this website.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

Facts for Educators
Drug prevention education is more than teaching the facts about drugs -- it is teaching children and youth about themselves, what is possible in their life now, and what is possible for the future. How the subject is taught is at least as important, and perhaps more important, than what is taught. Because many parents do not talk with their children about the dangers of drug use, educators are often left to fill the void. Teachers can help students learn the complete story about drugs, balancing the misinformation youth generally receive about drugs from their friends, the street and the media.

Facts for Educators has been designed to help you in this challenging role. We hope that the information that you find here will support your efforts in the classroom.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

American Society of Addiction Medicine
The nation's medical specialty society dedicated to educating physicians and improving the treatment of  individuals suffering from alcoholism and addictions."

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Welcome to the Arium Foundation Web Site
Welcome to Arium ... a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of addictions and their effects upon individuals, families and our communities, through the provision of resources, information and research concerning drug and alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome and other substance abuse issues.
Arium has been providing addiction education information and resources on the Internet since 1998.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

National Institute on Chemical Dependency
National Institute on Chemical Dependency

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

SAMHSA's Prevention Platform
SAMHSA's Prevention Platform is an online resource for substance abuse prevention. It is provided by the SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

Drug enforcement administration
The DEA is the agency responsible for the development of overall Federal drug enforcement strategy, programs, planning, and evaluation. Its mission is to enforce the controlled substance laws and regulations of the U.S. This site provides descriptions of the primary responsibilities of the DEA--including the investigation and preparation for prosecution of major violators of controlled substances laws, the management of a national drug intelligence system in cooperation with Federal, state, local, and foreign officials, the seizure and forfeiture of assets derived from, traceable to, or intended to be used for illicit drug trafficking, etc..

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

Growing Up Drug Free: A Parent's Guide To Prevention
Growing Up Drug Free: A Parent's Guide To Prevention is a handbook published by the U.S. Department of Education Washington, DC for parents and families. The purpose of this handbook is to help families take an active role in drug prevention BEFORE they have a problem. Drawing on the advice of experts in drug prevention and in child development, the handbook outlines what children at four key stages of development should know about drugs and suggests family activities to reinforce children's motivation to avoid alcohol and other drugs.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

The Indiana Prevention Resource centre
The Center is funded by a contract with the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Mental Health. A statewide clearinghouse designates for prevention technical assistance and information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. This site offers information on drugs, drug testing, legal issues, drug statistics, and links to other Internet resources.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

KidSource Online: Growing up Drug-free
KidSource Online is sponsored by the U.S. Dept. Of Education. Addresses the concerns about illegal drug and alcohol use and the threat these substances pose to the welfare of the Nation's youths. This site helps families learn about drugs, including the drugs most children use first--alcohol and tobacco. It gives important information on child development at four key stages of growth and suggests activities to reinforce drug prevention messages in the home.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

Marijuana: Facts for Teens
Information about marijuana: what it is, how and why it is used, its short-term and long-term effects on the mind and body, the numbers of teens that smoke it, its effects on performance in school, sports, driving, or other activities, signs and symptoms of using it, its medical uses, its effects on pregnant women, etc.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

national Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug information
NCADI is the information service of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. It is the world's largest resource for current information and materials concerning substance abuse prevention.

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Comment exploiter les ressourcees
Pour recycler des milliers de tonnes de bananes invendables, un scientifique australien tente une première mondiale : la centrale électrique à bananes.

Segnalato da: Siano Roberto

National Families in Action
A private, non-profit organization founded in 1977. NFIA helped create and lead the parent movement that drove drug use down by two-thirds among adolescents and young children between 1979 and 1992. The site offers the latest scientific information about the effects of drugs on the brain and body, an Ask the Experts@ section that allows users to ask questions about drugs and get answers every Tuesday, and a catalog of publications for parents, teachers, students and others.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

The Web of Addictions
The Web of Addictions is dedicated to providing accurate information about alcohol and other drug addictions. The Web of Addictions was developed for several reasons. We are concerned about the pro drug use messages in some Web sites and in some use groups.We are concerned about the appalling extent of misinformation about abused drugs on the internet, particularly on some usenet newsgroups. Finally, we wanted to provide a resource for teachers, students and others who needed factual information about abused drugs.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

DrugScope is the UK's leading independent centre of expertise on drugs
DrugScope is the UK's leading independent centre of expertise on drugs. Our aim is to inform policy development and reduce drug-related risk. We provide quality drug information, promote effective responses to drug taking, undertake research at local, national and international levels, advise on policy-making, encourage informed debate and speak for our member organisations working on the ground. DrugScope is supported by a variety of organisations, including Government, EU, Trusts and Foundations.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

Energies alternatives au pétrole
Nous allons au-devant d'une crise majeure. Ce site est une initiation à ladéplétion du pétrole et la courbe de Hubbert et comment cela changeraprochainement nos vies. ... Sources d'Énergies Alternatives. Hydrogène. Principale Utilisation ... Il faudrait produire cet hydrogène avec des énergies renouvelables ou du nucléaire, mais pour le moment ...

Segnalato da: Siano Roberto

Northern Ireland Drugs and Alcohol Campaign
Through funding from the Northern Ireland Drugs and Alcohol Campaign,, which has been online since January 2002, has been expanded to include alcohol - in line with the Joint Implementation Model that combines all alcohol and drugs initiatives in Northern Ireland.
The drugs area of this joint website is updated regularly with drugs news and other information, including current statistics, prevalence rates and drug-related research. Other up-to-date information for the drugs professional includes conferences, seminars and courses.
This page will inform you of any other updates or additions to the drugs area.

Segnalato da: Gaggero Erica

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is one of the European Union’s decentralised agencies. Established in 1993 and based in Lisbon, it is the central source of comprehensive information on drugs and drug addiction in Europe

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Problèmes liés au pétrole
Notre avenir énergétique ne dépend pas que des réserves de pétrole. Face au changement climatique, à son coût écologique et humain, la consommation d’hydrocarbures ne peut continuer au rythme actuel. Il faut diminuer et diversifier notre consommation et repenser l’idée de "croissance". Les fortes tensions géopolitiques invitent à s’interroger sur les bases d’une société durable et viable pour tous.  

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home page "indipendente" sulle tossicodipendenze, sulle droghe e sul sistema di intervento preventivo, terapeutico e riabilitativo di Riccardo C. Gatti

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L'énergie éolienne
L'énergie éolienne offre une alternative aux énergies classiques pour la production centralisée d'électricité. Elle participe donc à la diversification de la ressource, sur une énergie inépuisable.
Elle ne génère aucune pollution atmosphérique, ne produit aucun déchet, et évite la combustion d'énergies fossiles (pétrole, gaz) qui sont à l'origine d'une part importante de la pollution atmosphérique.
L'utilisation de l'énergie éolienne connaît un développement remarquable dans le monde depuis une dizaine d'années. Le rythme annuel d'installation dépasse 2 000 MW. La France, qui possède un potentiel éolien très important, possède à ce jour une puissance totale de 253 MW.

Le gouvernement compte rattraper ce retard et annonce l'installation de
6 000 à 10 000 MW d'ici à 2010. Aujourd'hui, l'ouverture des marchés européens de l'électricité va permettre de donner aux consommateurs la possibilité de choisir une électricité produite entièrement dans le respect de l'environnement et dans le cadre d'un développement durable.

Segnalato da: Siano Roberto

Esaminate la bottiglia di Klein e altri curiosi oggetti geometrici
Utilizzando la realta' virtuale potete far diventare delle equazioni oggetti nello spazio che potete esaminare a piacere

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
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Sito di aggiornamento scientifico per gli operatori di medicina delle tossicodipendenze

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Famous Curves Applet Index
Click on the name of a curve below to experiment with some of its associated curves

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
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Le carburant tournesol
Tous les moteurs diesels peuvent fonctionner avec cette huile comme
carburant, mélangée ou non à du diesel. Pour rouler avec un mélange à plus
de moitié d'huile, il faut apporter le véhicule au garagiste (prévoir une
facture d'environ 500 euros) ou faire soi-même une petite modification.

Du grain au tourteau

La fabrication de l'huile se fait en trois étapes : à partir de 1500 kg de
graines, la tritureuse extrait 500 litres d'huile et rejette des tourteaux.
Ces tourteaux ne sont pas perdus puisqu'ils peuvent ensuite servir pour
l'alimentation animale, ou pour la construction (à la manière de la paille
ou du chanvre). Ensuite cette huile est décantée, puis filtrée. Elle peut
alors être utilisée.


Au début, Marie et d'autres personnes motivées par ce projet se sont posés
la question suivante : « Est-ce qu'on achète une petite presse pour nous, ou
bien on en parle autour de nous et on en prend une plus grosse avec tous les
voisins qu'en ont envie ? »
C'est cette 2eme option qui a été choisie, et qui a conduit à la création
de Roule Ma Fleur. Une quarantaine de personnes ont pris une  part de 150.,
et avec des prêts pour compléter, l'association a acquis un modèle de
moyenne puissance, qui coûte un peu plus de 10000.. Enfin, un ami a offert
sa remorque pour amener la presse chez les adhérents.

Cet automne, les premières triturations ont eu lieu, et des démonstrations
lors de fêtes et réunions, comme la rencontre Relier sur le Larzac, ont
permis de découvrir l'engin en marche. A l'heure actuelle, il faut encore
mettre au point le moteur d'entraînement, qui initialement était mal adapté.
C'est une question de quelques semaines.

C'est écologique !

Le carburant tournesol est très pertinent aujourd'hui avec l'impératif de
réduire les gaz à effet de serre. En effet, le bilan CO2 de la production et
de l'usage est à peu prés nul. Pourquoi ? La raison est simple : Tandis que
le pétrole brûlé libère dans l'atmosphère du carbone qui a été stocké hors
circuit depuis des millions d'année, au contraire, avec le tournesol, le gaz
libéré était déjà dans l'atmosphère l'année précédente, la plante s'en est
nourri pour grandir ! Il n'y a donc pas d'accroissement de la quantité de
CO2 dans l'atmosphère. Par ailleurs, la combustion de l'huile de tournesol
dégage moins de particules nocives que le diesel.

Segnalato da: Siano Roberto

La scoperta della prospettiva
Drag either the VPL or the VPR. If you move these vanishing points to the left or right, what effect does this have on the appearance of the box?

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
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