Risultati ricerca

Una serie di applet di Fisica scritti da vari docenti universitari in modo da poter creare degli ipertesti pilotandoli da Javascript

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Physlet problems
Serie di problemi di fisica che utilizzano applet java:sono collegati a un libro di Fisica di livello universitario

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Physics Lessons and Tutorials by Science Joy Wagon
Materiale didattico online di livello di scuola media.e' basato per lo piu' su animazioni Shockwave

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Welcome to Probability by Surprise
Una serie di applet per un corso introduttivo alla probabilita'

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Geometry and Measurement Concepts
Includes basic notions of lines, rays and planes, working with tessellations, fractals.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Modules Grouped by General Mathematics Topic
Una collezione di materiale didattico sulla matematica basato su applet

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Chemical Equilibrium
This applet demonstrates how chemical equilibruim will shift from left to right depending on the concentration of each component of the reaction I2 + H2 --> 2HI.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Fourier Approximation
This applet demonstrates the sound waves of undamped vibrating strings on a graph.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Fourier Synthesis with Continuously Variable Amplitudes Applet
This applet is a follow up to fourier-series-trog.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Gaussian CDF Applet
Applet sulla Gaussiana

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Graph Theory Applet
This applet makes the mathematical formulas displayable in the graph isomorphism module

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Integral Approximation Applet
This applet demonstrates how an integral's measures of area under the curve and centroid become increasingly accurate as the slices sampled get progressively smaller and more numerous in size.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Matrix Explorer Applet
This applet helps the user explore 2 x 2 matrices

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Matrix Inverse Applet
This applet demonstrates how to find the inverse of a two-by-two matrix. If matrix A is given, and the user knows that AxB = I, then this applet will help the user solve for B.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Matrix Multiplication Applet
This applet shows the user how to multiply two matrices.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Regression Analysis Applet
The Regression Analysis Applet allows you to plot a line based on its equation and then add uniform or Gaussian noise to the data points.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Simple Fourier Synthesis Applet
This applet demonstrates a sound wave with it's unknown base amplitude at various points multiplied by +1, 0, or -1.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Sine + Cosine Applet
The Sine + Cosine Applet allows users to plot a sine wave and a cosine wave on the same set of axes, and then provides the opportunity for the user to guess the sum of the two by "drawing" on the screen with the mouse.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Symbolic Multiplication of Two Matrices Applet
This applet demonstrates how to multiply two matrices.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Using a Transformation Matrix to Transform a Point Applet
This applet demonstrates how to transform a point using a 2x2 matrix.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Visualizing the Gradient (2D) Applet
The applet below will help you get a better feel for the direction of the gradient in relation to three-dimensional graphs and level curves.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

XY Constant Applet
When the show buttons for x=1, 4, 9 are depressed, the isotherms (contour curves) are displayed on the graph

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

(Chemical Kinetics) First Order Reaction Applet
The reaction is a transformation. The rate law is v=k[A] (first order in A, and first order overall). As you increase or decrease the concentration of A by moving the slider the reaction increases or decreases. The rate constant here is in inverse seconds (s^-1 or hertz).

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Photography through the microscope  
      Video through the microscope  
      Listening to Electric Fish  
      Using a video camera as a microscope  

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

A moving sculpture made from paper
descrizioni dettagliate di semplici dimostrazioni da realizzare in pochi minuti per dimostrare alcuni principi scientifici

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

The Living Mathematics Project
The Living Mathematics Project hosted at SunSITE UBC is working to apply recent advances in computer programming languages and the technology of the World Wide Web to construct a new medium for the communication of Mathematics.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Astronomia Nova
The web site focus on astronomical tools (general physics), stellar structure, interior of stars and stellar evolution. Visitors can use real life astronomical observations, to calculate e.g. the distance to The Crab Nebula using a simple java applets.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Ask A High Energy Astronomer
This is NASA's Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA) "Ask a High Energy Astronomer" web site. As the name suggests, we specialize in High Energy Astrophysics. This deals with the X-ray, Gamma-ray and Cosmic Ray universe; and covers topics such as black holes, quasars and dark matter.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Astronomy on the Internet
These are just beginnings -- sites that we ran across and particularly enjoyed or found useful and interesting

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Astronomy 101
The site is a study and presentation of astronomy, including history, a gallery of images, astronomical data, and links to many other sites.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

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