Risultati ricerca

Educación Ambiental: incendios forestales
Actividades didácticas de Educación Ambiental: la combustión y los incendios forestales

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Le caratteristiche dei deserti
Sito di approfondimento sulle caratteristiche dei deserti

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Ecology of habitats, botany and agriculture
Lesson plan on grazing and the ecology of habitats, botany and agriculture

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Site about deforestation: what is, which the causes and what to do

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Agricultural production and management
Lesson plan titled: “Managing Soils on My Farm”
Site for students in the Agricultural Production and Management I course

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

China desertification
China site about desertification: which are the human activities that intensifies north China desertification?

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Drylands/deserts theme page
This "Theme Page" has links to two types of resources related to the study of Drylands/Deserts. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are also links to instructional materials (lesson plans) which will help teachers provide instruction in this theme.

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Deserts elementary unit
This unit, Deserts, explores the mysteries of some of the most unfriendly but beautiful places on earth, and it introduces students to the geography of the Middle East, Great Falls, VA

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

North America deserts
General characteristics of Chihuahuan Desert, the largest desert in North America


Desert and drylands lesson plan
Lesson plans and sites about deserts and drylands

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Swaziland National Action Programme (NAP)
The convention to combat desertification:
This site intends to expose the desertification problem in Swaziland with an aim of putting the NAP into context.

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Planificaccion: “La desertificación
Desertificacion: un proceso que debe ser controlado. Esta unidad didáctica pretende que los alumnos se familiaricen con las principales acciones humanas que promueven o desencadenan el proceso de desertificación en las distintas regiones del planeta.

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Unidad didactica: “el agua”
Con las actividades que se plantean en esta Unidad Didáctica, los alumnos/as reflexionarán sobre el uso y abuso del agua y de que ésta es invariable en nuestro planeta.

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

BIOME: Deserts
An Educator's Reference Desk Lesson Plan

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

ARID, Association Régionale sur l'Irrigation et le Drainage
Small-scale irrigation network: le réseau sur la petite irrigation de l'ARID, l'Association Régionale sur l'Irrigation et le Drainage en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Inland Water Bodies
Impacts of Agriculture on Inland Water Bodies

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Salinization laboratory - teacher lab template
Salinization lab - teacher lab template.
In this lesson plan students will design an experiment to investigate the effect of salt on seed germination

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Waterland enivronment in China
The impacts of human activities on the waterland environment of the Shiyang River basin, an arid region in northwest China

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Combat famine!
A very intelligent site, it’s an international classroom for exploring the problems of hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity.
You will find sample materials and lessons, and an interactive forum for
exchanging ideas and experiences around the world. (English, French, Spanish, Italian version)

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

An elementary lesson plan about deserts

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Australian deserts
Apart from Antarctica, Australia is the driest continent in the world.

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Environmental Issue
A real on-line book about environment

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Farming in the Sahel
Damage to fragile environments: a site on management issues underlying causes of desertification.

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Combating Desertification
Web activity lesson plan: "combating desertification".
The physical geography of north Africa, southwest Asia, and central Asia: students will use information from the “Combating Desertification The Israel Experience Web site” to learn about the impact of desertification on the physical geography of the region.

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Site de Greenpeace: la deforestation et les répercussions écologiques et sociales de l'exploitation irréfléchie sont considérables

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Développement durable
Domaines d'action: production d'énergie électrique par transformation des énergies renouvelables, dessalement de l'eau de mer, lutte contre la sécheresse et la désertification, dépollution et lutte contre la pollution , aquaculture dans une vision de projets intégrés (synergie)

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Education Environnementale Sahel
Un Programme Régional de Recherche en Education Environnementale au Sahel (PREES)

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Overgrazing problem
Researchers Highlight Overgrazing: a site on overstocking land with cattle, sheep and goats all over the world

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

IUCN site about water demand management
IUCN is a unique Union. Its members from some 140 countries include 77 States, 114 government agencies, and 800-plus NGOs.For more than 50 years this ‘Green Web’ of partnerships has generated environmental conventions, global standards, scientific knowledge and innovative leadership.

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

Humid Lands: rainforests
Lesson plan about humid lands, in particular rainforest

Segnalato da: Simona Gili

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