Risultati ricerca

Global Crop Diversity Trust
The Global Crop Diversity Trust, an initiative to conserve in perpetuity the Earth's most crucial agricultural biodiversity, entered into force on 21 October as an independent international organization. FAO: "Crop Trust to conserve plant diversity"

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With Ecocrop you can: Identify a suitable crop for a specified environment. Identify a crop with a specific habit of growth. Identify crop for a defined use. Look up the environmental requirements and uses of a given crop. Learn to use Ecocrop with the Tutorial

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agriculture en zones urbaines et périurbaines dans deux villes sahéliennes
CENTRÈS J.M. (1996), “L’élevage et l’agriculture en zones urbaines et périurbaines
dans deux villes sahéliennes: Bamako et Bobo-Dioulasso”, CA, V,
5, 373-82,

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RUAF. Resource Centre on Urban Agriculture and Foresty
About 70 work-on-line (Urban Agriculture)

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Cités horticoles dans les grandes Niayes au Sénégal,
FALL A.S., FALL S.T. (Eds.) (2001), Cités horticoles en sursis?
L’agriculture urbaine dans les grandes Niayes au Sénégal, Centre recherche
développement international

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Deccan Development Society. Book-on line about organic cotton
- Organic Cotton Re-inventing the Wheel a Compilation by Meena Menon
- On the Margin Poor and their Lands - A Case for Comprehensive Public Investments A book on Public Distribution System (PDS) by Ch. Srinivas & S. Abdul Thaha
- DID Bt COTTON FAIL A P AGAIN IN 2003-2004? a season long study [2003-2004] of the performance of Bt Cotton in Andhra Pradesh, India By AP Coalition in Defence of Diversity, Deccan Development Society & Permaculture Association of India

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Africa Policy E-Journal. African cotton producers...
Africa Policy E-Journal September 12, 2003 (030912)
Africa: Cancun, Agriculture
African cotton producers, with their explicit demand for compensation for damages caused by U.S. subsidies to their famers, have taken center stage in discussions on agriculture at Cancun. And a group of developing nations known as the G21, including India, Brazil, and China as well as South Africa and Egypt, has issued a strong statement on agriculture, demanding that it be the new basis for discussion on this key issue. The group is growing, having changed its name recently from G20 to G21 with the addition of Egypt.

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EDP Rice Development Programme FAO
The Rice Development Programme (RDP) is a component of the Field Food Crop Group. Its main mission is to promote wide adoption of improved technologies for sustainable increased rice production in all ecologies upland, irrigated and rainfed lowland, and deepwater and tidal wetland and environments: from high altitude to coastal areas and from temperate to tropical climates. Sustainable increased rice production results not only in more rice for food and more incomes for farmers but also in better conservation of the natural resource bases and global environment.
The RDP carries out its mission in close collaboration with the International Rice Commission especially in the implementation of the Commission's recommendations and to a lesser extent with other technical units of FAO, rice research and development programmes in member countries, international and regional institutions, NGOs and farmers associations.

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CIMMYT International Mayze and Wheat Improovement Center
CIMMYT is committed to improving livelihoods in developing countries. Through strong science and effective partnerships, we create, share, and use knowledge and technology to increase food security, improve the productivity and profitability of farming systems, and sustain natural resources. (Also used OGM)

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Industrial Crops
Strategies and methods for introduction and management of diversified industrial crops (oil, gum and resins, sweeteners, beverage, food additives, fibre, medicines, aromatic plants), to assess the potential of plant resources, especially under-utilised crops and wild plants, for specific regions and agro-ecozones, particularly marginal ones, characterised using crop model methodologies, through collaboration with UN, FAO, Ecoport...

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Consorzio fitosanitario Reggio Emilia
Indicazioni per la difesa, links...

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Sicurezza in agricoltura
Vari materiali. Scaricabile l'ipertesto "Sicurezza nel lavoro agricolo" di Regione Emilia Romagna e FSE

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Irrigazione localizzata. Dati e impianti
Consorzio Bonifica Canale Emiliano Romagnolo. Gocciolatori e progettazione impianti irrigui

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Collaborazione tra l'Ente Parchi e Riserve Naturali Cuneesi e il Burkina Faso
Vari progetti in corso. Coinvolgimento della popolazione locale per manutenzioni turistiche e pesca, anche per ridurre il bracconaggio. Anche attività tra scuole (educazione alimentare)

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EPPO European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
EPPO is an intergovernmental organization responsible for European cooperation in plant health. Founded in 1951 by 15 European countries, EPPO now has 46 members, covering almost all countries of the European and Mediterranean region. Its objectives are to protect plants, to develop international strategies against the introduction and spread of dangerous pests and to promote safe and effective control methods. As a Regional Plant Protection Organization, EPPO also participates in global discussions on plant health organized by FAO and the IPPC Secretariat. Finally, EPPO has produced a large number of standards and publications on plant pests, phytosanitary regulations, and plant protection products.

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Station fédérale de recherches agronomiques de Changins (Suisse)
Recherches (Amélioration, maladies des plantes, semences...), production, info, pubblications

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INRA Institut National de la recherche agronomique - Protection de plantes
HYP3 est hypermedia en protection des plantes (section pathologie), une base de données.
Useful links

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IRegione Emilia Romagna. Corsi di formazione in agricoltura
Corsi di formazione in agricoltura e link su formazione

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IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY - Department of Plant Pathology
Programs, researches, links

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Plant disease clinic IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY
The Plant Disease Clinic provides diagnostic support for county and area Extension personnel and the residents of Iowa. The Clinic is supported by the Department of Plant Pathology, ISU Extension, and the Extension Integrated Pest Management Program

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CPRES Center for Plant Responses to Environmental Stresses IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY
The Center for Plant Responses to Environmental Stresses (CPRES) is dedicated to fundamental research on how plants detect and respond to biotic and abiotic stresses in their environment. Research on biotic stresses includes the molecular mechanisms used by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and nematodes to incite disease and by plants to resist infection. Research on abiotic stresses includes molecular mechanisms by which plants resist such unfavorable conditions as drought, flooding, chilling, excess salts, toxic metals, and pollutants

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United Nation on line publications. Environmental hazards. Links

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Piattaforma delle Organizzazioni dei Contadini del Sahel.
Progetti, agricoltura sostenibile. Dare una voce ai contadini

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Meteo Tunisie
Banque de données Climatologique, Recherche  Développement, Publications Bulletin agrométéorologique quotidien, Bulletin météorologique spécial, sur demande

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Global Crop Diversity Trust
A foundation for food security. Start with a seed

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The World Bank Group.Rresearches on agriculture
World Bank research on agriculture has recently included topics such as land markets and distribution, agricultural markets, policy reform,agricultural economics, markets, commodity prices, and the sustainability of the Green Revolution in Bangladesh.
"Is Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture Less Profitable for Farmers? Evidence on Integrated Pest Management in Bangladesh"

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Appoggio al "Centre Agricole Polyvalent de Matourkou" (cap-m), Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
anni 2001-2002, collaborazione Università di Torino, soprattutto Facoltà Veterinaria

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organizzazione umanitaria "Manitese"
Sito dell’organizzazione umanitaria "Manitese" che opera in Burkina Faso; costruiti pozzi e mulini; informazioni su alcune necessità della popolazione locale.

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Acqua per il Sahel - Progetto agricoltura e formazione.
Organizzazione umanitaria Centro Azione Missionaria "Fratelli della Sacra Famiglia" Strada Pecetto 14, 10023 CHIERI (TO): costruzione pozzi e formazione per la popolazione per migliorare l’agricoltura. Liceo professionale agrario di Naroro, nel Burkina Faso.

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FASO-ONG. Les ONG Burkinabès
Les ONG et organisations de production de produits agroalimentaires. Projets.

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Indietro - Pagina 39 di 602 - Avanti