Risultati ricerca

Posizioni del sole e della luna sull'orizzonte per ogni luogo e per ogni tempo

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Evoluzione stellare
L'evoluzione delle stelle dipende dalla loro massa e puo' essere seguita passo a passo in questo applet.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Previsione delle maree
La previsione delle maree in tutto il mondo

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Stelle binarie
The observed velocities of the two stars, and the Doppler shifted spectral lines (as seen against the combined continuum from the two stars) are also shown in the upper right box.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

L'orologio di Einstein
Breve serie di lezioni introduttive alla relativita' ristretta

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Orbite intorno a un buco nero
Un corpo in orbita intorno a un buco nero non segue la legge di gravitazione universale ma le leggi della relativita'. Questo applet mostra l'orbita seguita

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide

Education alimentaire
Bien manger bien pour être bien
Aliments, principaux nutriments et fonctions principales
La pyramide alimentaire - La voie la plus simple pour manger sainement
A guide on Safe Food for Travelers

Segnalato da: Damiano Piddiu

Teen Voices
Written by and for teen women with more on their minds than fashion and celebrity gossip, Teen Voices has been promoting social change and a healthier self-image for over ten years

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women in Global Science and Techonology
Wigsat is an international non-profit organization. Its mission is to promote the contributions women make in science and technology for development, and
to help NGOs, governments, bilateral and multilateral agencies and women themselves to understand the gender dimensions of S&T and the implications of this for development policy and practice.
WIGSAT provides services in the area of gender, science and technology for development, with a special focus on information and communications technologies. It also acts as a broker or disseminator of information and resources.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

American Medical Women Association
The American Medical Women's Association empowers women to lead in improving health for all within a model that reflects the unique perspective of women.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

International Labour Organisation - Gender Equality Tool
The Bureau for Gender Equality advocates ILO policies, instruments, work and activities on gender and gender equality. It disseminates information about gender issues in the world of work to ILO staff, constituents, and the international community

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Coalition of Labor Union Women
CLUW is America's only national organization for union women. Our members are on the frontline, empowering working women to become leaders in their unions and encouraging them to make a difference on the job and, most importantly, in their own lives. Our values are simple: solidarity, involvement, dignity and justice

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women in Informal Employement: Globalizing and Organizing is a worldwide coalition of institutions and individuals concerned with improving the status of women in the economy's informal sector.
The coalition was born out of the conviction that women workers - particularly those from low-income households - are concentrated in the informal sector. Although the informal sector contributes to both poverty alleviation and economic growth it remains largely invisible in official statistics and policies. Thus, WIEGO strives to improve the status of the informal sector through compiling better statistics, conducting research and developing programmes and policies.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Catalyst Women
Catalyst is the leading research and advisory organization working with businesses and the professions to build inclusive environments and expand opportunities for women at work. As an independent, nonprofit membership organization, Catalyst uses a solutions-oriented approach that has earned the confidence of business leaders around the world. Catalyst conducts research on all aspects of women’s career advancement and provides strategic and web-based consulting services on a global basis to help companies and firms advance women and build inclusive work environments.  

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Redesigning Non-Task-Based Materials to Fit a Task-Based Framework
The current emphasis on task-based language teaching (TBLT) has yet to result in the publication of genuinely task-based textbooks. Teachers who wish to use a task-based approach are often faced with having to redesign textbooks which are based on a more traditional approach. This article describes one such redesign project. It presents the rationale, the procedures followed, the main problems encountered, and the author's solutions to these problems.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

The Coursebook as a Flexible Tool - Materials evaluation and adaptation
Coursebooks have been variously regarded by teachers as the Bible, a guide, a crutch, a necessary evil, or a burden. This web page presents coursebooks in their true dimension: a helpful tool that teachers can use flexibly, and combine with other resources. It deals with materials adaptation (basic Premises and mplications); it gives some general guidelines (what to check in a coursebook, what to check in a lesson/unit); it offers adaptation alternatives (What can be adapted? How can it be adapted? Where do we get alternative materials? How to omit, re-order, combine, replace, add). Some procedures are also suggested.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Principles for Task-based materials design
This site presents some principles for task-based materials design. It gives examples of how to put these principles into practice and gives some hints on how to prepare language-focused activities.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Task-based Language Teaching in practice
This site offers a practical guide to the implementation of TBLT in the L2 classroom.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

La programación de unidades didácticas a traves de tareas
La multitud de propuestas englobables bajo el término 'Enfoque por Tareas' (Task-based Language Teaching) hace necesario concretar los pasos implicados en el desarrollo del enfoque en el aula. En el presente artículo se presenta un marco para el diseño de unidades didácticas por tareas que permite incorporar en la práctica los principios sobre los que se apoya el nuevo enfoque.
Para ello se ofrece un ejemplo de unidad didáctica típica dentro de los cursos "comunicativos", basados en el enfoque nocio-funcional, lo que permite contrastarlo con un diseño a través de tareas y apreciar sus diferencias.
Se presenta un general de diseño de unidades didácticas, que permite ver los pasos a seguir y los elementos que lo integran. Se describen ademas las características de cada fase del proceso y, finalmente, se exponen los niveles de aplicación del marco en relación a diferentes aspectos del trabajo en la clase de lengua extranjera, desde su utilización conjunta con un libro de texto al nivel de lengua utilizado en la unidad.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Using authentic materials in L2 teaching
Using authentic materials can be rewarding and stimulating for both teacher and students. This site presents some ways of using authentic materials at lower levels of L2 classrooms.  Some example of how to adapt this kind of material to the students' level are given, in order to prevent the fear that students normally feel when faced with language that is largely unfamiliar to them.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Integrating Gramma Teaching in a TBLT Approach
Many teachers are confused on how to teach grammar. The form-focused instruction of the audio-lingual method produced students that knew a lot about a language but could not apply what they knew to spontaneous speech. Conversely, the lack of grammar instruction in the Communicative Approach has often produced students who communicate well but lack grammatical competency. Is it possible to teach grammar in a way that will help students develop grammatical competency, even in spontaneous speech? This article explores a possible answer to this dilemma, the theory of noticing, and its application to the classroom.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Paulo Freire / Freirean Pedagogy
Paulo Freire is the original figure to establish the tradition of popular education in Latin America and has been disseminating the pedagogy of the oppressed to the world. Since the book Pedagogy of the Oppressed was published in 1972, he became an icon of social change through education, especially adult literacy education. This is the official site of Freirean Pedagogy

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Philosphioes and Approaches in Adults ESL Literacy Instruction
Five approaches currently used in adult English as a second language (ESL) literacy instruction include Freirean or participatory education, whole language, language experience approach, learner writing and publishing, and competency-based education. This digest gives an overview of these approaches, which represent a range of practices used in native language and biliteracy programs as well as in ESL classes, with learners whose literacy ranges from limited to advanced.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Coursebooks as inappropriate tools for a dialogic pedagogy
A glance at many L2 teaching materials might suggest that, on the basis of their cultural content, they are inappropriate for use in the kinds of contexts in which we are teaching. Scott Thornbury, the author of this article, however, argues that this is a kind of 'surface inappropriacy' and that there is a deeper level of coursebook inappropriacy which has more to do with the implicit educational principles they convey than the cultural values they display. The author argues that it is not the culture in the coursebook that should concern us so much as the culture of the coursebook.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Teaching with minimal resources
A web site where some L2 teachers share their tips and ideas for teaching with limited resources.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Teaching Unplugged
This is the site of some teachers of English as a Second Language who are committed to promoting a 'poor' pedagogy, that is, a pedagogy unburdened by an excess of materials and technology, a pedagogy grounded in the local and relevant concerns of the people in the room.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Teaching tips that could be used in L2 lessons
There are some ideas that anyone can use at any level of L2 teaching, to stimulate the students' interest and understanding, fostering a more global view of the world. It offers some examples of activities using jokes and games, newspapers, listening and speaking exercises.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language Classroom
This is a web site were teachers can share games and activities that they have found useful in the L2 classroom.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

Teaching without a coursebook
A site by and ESL teacher, Adrian Underhill, who choose not to use a coursebook. In this article he puts forward some of his reasons for making this choice, and he outlines what his class does without one. He refers to how this has affected his own development as a L2 teacher.


Teaching L2 to Non-Literate adults
This site deals with non-literate adults. It provides some guidelines for working with them and contains a series of lessons for developing basic reading and writing in L2.

Segnalato da: Donatella Benigno

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