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Center for Women's Global Leadership
The Center for Women's Global Leadership (Global Center) promotes the leadership of women and advances feminist perspectives in policy-making processes in local, national, and international arenas. Since 1990, the Global Center has fostered women's leadership in the area of human rights through women's global leadership institutes, strategic planning activities, international mobilization campaigns, UN monitoring, global education endeavors, publications, and a resource center. The Global Center works from a human rights perspective with an emphasis on violence against women, sexual and reproductive health, and socio-economic well- being. The Global Center's programs are in two broad areas: policy and advocacy; and, leadership development and global education.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women's Caucus for Gender Justice
The Caucus is a network of individuals and groups committed to strengthening advocacy on women's human rights and helping to develop greater capacity among women in the use of International Criminal Court, the Optional Protocol to CEDAW and other mechanisms that provide women avenues of and access to different systems of justice.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Siyanda is an on-line database of gender and development materials. It is also an interactive space where gender practitioners can share ideas, experiences and resources.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

BRIDGE supports gender advocacy and mainstreaming efforts by bridging the gaps between theory, policy and practice with accessible and diverse gender information in print and online.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

The IIAV is the source, the intermediary and the supplier of information and documentation for all those who occupy themselves with the position of women, whether it concerns books, periodicals, data, addresses, archives, visual materials, current or historical, national or international.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

MS Foundation for Women
The Ms. Foundation for Women has been creating opportunities for women and girls for 30 years. We know that when we invest in women and girls, helping them develop their voices and skills, everyone benefits—men, boys, families, and communities.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance
The mission of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance is to expand the spiritual, ritual, intellectual and political opportunities for women within the framework of halakha. We advocate meaningful participation and equality for women in family life, synagogues, houses of learning and Jewish communal organizations to the full extent possible within halakha. Our commitment is rooted in the belief that fulfilling this mission will enrich and uplift individual and communal life for all Jews.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Council of Jewish Women
The National Council of Jewish Women is a volunteer organization that has been at the forefront of social change for over a century. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW courageously takes a progressive stance on issues such as child welfare, women's rights, and reproductive freedom.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women and The Church
WATCH has a vision of the Church of England as a community of God's people where justice and equality prevail. WATCH believes that this vision is rooted in the Scriptures and reflects God's will for the whole world.
WATCH works for an inclusive Church, responsive to God's will and trusting in God's ways. WATCH wants to see women taking their place alongside men at every level in the Church, and to help the Church become the community of equals which Jesus calls us to be. In WATCH we join together to make this vision a reality.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Organisation for Women's Liberation
Women in Iran demand freedom, equality, separation of religion from state, and an end to sexual apartheid. OWL belongs to this movement. We regard political Islam as one of the main obstacles in the path of women’s movement for change, especially in the Middle Eastern countries

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Stop Stoning Now
Organisation devoted to stop the barbaric practise of stoning

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women Ink
Women, Ink. is a project of the International Women's Tribune Centre to market and distribute books on women and development worldwide. It includes 200 titles from publishers all over the world, and is the exclusive distributor of publications from the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

World Nank Africa Gender Web
Dealing with the Sub-Saharan region the site contains: Key Documents; Innovative Bank Projects; Knowledge Sources in the Africa Region; Web sites outside; Other World Bank Resources on Gender; and Innovative Non-Bank Projects.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Forum for African Wom,en Educationalist
The Forum for African Women Educationalists is a membership organization that brings together African women ministers in charge of national education systems, women vice chancellors of universities and other senior women policy makers in education in Africa.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Gender Advocacy Programme
The Gender Advocacy Programme (GAP) is an independent, non-governmental advocacy and lobbying organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa. The organisation aims to bridge the gap between women in civil society and structures of governance and to increase the participation of women in policy formulation and decision making.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

European Network of Police Women
The founders envisioned the creation of a professional network that could provide an information channel through which both policewomen and -men could constructive alliances in the field of equal opportunities within the police services in Europe.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

The Woman Astronomer
Networking and enhacing women in the astronomy field

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women Firefighters
Networking the women of today's firefighting world, and providing resources to help build the fire service of the future

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women of NASA
The Women of NASA resource was developed to encourage more young women to pursue careers in math, science, and technology. Throughout history, women have made valuable contributions to these fields. Although these disciplines are still dominated by men, and these women are seen as exceptions, there is a growing appreciation of cultural and gender diversity in the workplace. The Women of NASA interactive project showcases outstanding women who are enjoying successful careers and demonstrates how these women balance personal and professional responsibilities.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women, Food and Agriculture Network
Linking and amplifying women's voices on issues of food systems, sustainable communities, and environmental integrity.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women Agricultural Network
Through a series of educational, technical assistance, and networking opportunities, WAgN works to increase the number of women owning and operating profitable farms and ag-related businesses, as well as their profile in leadership positions throughout the agricultural sectors of business, government and community

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Comunità di Pratica on line Elearningintouch
E' una comunità di pratica professionale on learning basata sul e-learning e sulla formazione a distanza. Per entrarne a far parte basta registrarsi.

Segnalato da: sonia fiscella

Gender and Food Security
Given equal access to opportunities and resources women like men have proven to be efficient, dinamic and indispensable partners in development. Together, on the farm, and at all levels of society, women and men constitute a formidable partnership to achieve food security in the 21 century  

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Amanitare's goal is to build an influential social movement to institutionalize the recognition of African women's and girls' sexual and reproductive health rights as fundamental to their civil and human rights.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Center for Development and Population Activities
At CEDPA, we believe that a woman who can care for herself can care for her family. She can educate her children and contribute to her community. When her community thrives, the world will be a better place.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

RAINBO is an international not-for-profit organization working on issues within the intersection between health and human rights of women

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

African Women Deveoplment Fund
Fundraising and grantmaking initiative, which aims to support the work of the African Women's movement.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women in Law and Development in Africa
Pan African women's rights network dedicated to promoting and strengthening strategies which link law and development to increase women's participation and influence at the community, national and international levels

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Tostan- Women'sHealth and Human Rights
The mission of Tostan is to contribute to the human dignity of African people through the development and implementation of a non-formal, participatory education program in national languages. Tostan provides learners with the knowledge and skills to become confident, resourceful actors in the social transformation and economic development of their communities.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

American Jewish World Service- Women Empowerement Projects
Women living in the developing world shoulder the heaviest burdens of poverty as a result of gender discrimination and social inequality. Yet despite these challenges, women frequently serve as the catalysts for creating positive social change. Through our grant making and our Women's Empowerment Fund, AJWS supports projects designed to enable women to become agents of change, empowering them to transform their own lives and create lasting and meaningful change for themselves, their families and their communities.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

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