Risultati ricerca

Samuel Beckett
Sito italiani dedicato a Samuel Beckett. Opere, vita, materiali, blog

Segnalato da: laura silletta

What is Myth?
Definition of "myth"; some topics about myth. Materials for on line courses of the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.


Temi e linguaggio nelle opere di Pinter
Il dialogo, sempre teso e scattante, costruito su ritmi molto precisi in cui i silenzi hanno lo stesso valore delle battute, crea tensioni di grande teatralità. Non a caso, infatti, Pinter è stato spesso definito “un maestro del linguaggio” per la sua straordinaria capacità di modellare l’inglese parlato sulle insicurezze e le fobie dei suoi personaggi, rendendoli portavoce delle paure e ossessioni del XX secolo.

Segnalato da: laura silletta

Classical Myth
This site is designed to draw together the ancient texts and images available on the Web concerning the major figures of Greek and Roman mythology. We were most interested in bringing together the ancient sources and illustrations, but have included some Renaissance images that were just too good to leave out. The site is primarily intended for the use of Greek and Roman Mythology students at the University of Victoria, but feel free to look around!

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia


Segnalato da: Stroppiana Alessia

Temi nelle opere di Pinter
Accostandosi all’opera di Pinter e in particolar modo a i Plays, ciò che colpisce sono la varietà di temi affrontati, i registri linguistici usati, idiomi, stili di cui Pinter si è servito in quasi cinquanta anni di lavoro per il teatro

Segnalato da: laura silletta

immagne 7

Segnalato da: Stroppiana Alessia

immagine 8

Segnalato da: Stroppiana Alessia

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immagine 9

Segnalato da: Stroppiana Alessia

Comedies of Menace by Pinter
"comedy of menace" often applied to his early plays;the atmosphere of menace is also created by Pinter’s ability to drop suddenly from a high comic level to one of deep seriousness

Segnalato da: laura silletta

Pinter, theater's explorer of menace
Characteristics of Pinter's plays

Segnalato da: laura silletta

immagine 10
immagine 10

Segnalato da: Stroppiana Alessia

immagine 11
immagine 11

Segnalato da: Stroppiana Alessia

Pinter et le langage
Pinter a tellement marqué les esprits et changé le monde du théâtre qu'il a donné lieu à un nouvel adjectif : "pinteresque." Il a changé les attentes du langage théâtral et fait passer les traitements habituels de l'espace, de l'action et du langage comme ridicules. De plus, ses pièces bénéficient d'une atmosphère unique.

Segnalato da: laura silletta

Matrimonio y divorcio en las Patas de Letrán.
Italia acordó acomodar las leyes sobre el matrimonio y el divorcio a las reglas de la Iglesia Católica Romana y declarar a los miembros del clero exentos de tomar parte en el servicio militar obligatorio.

Segnalato da: Emanuela Coppa

Classical Mythology
Site especially intended for courses in Classical Mythology held by Dr. Robin Mitchell-Boyask (Department of Greek, Hebrew and Roman Classics - Temple University): study guides, patterns, links and other useful materials about mythology are available for anybody.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Régimen demogáfico en la edad moderna.
Se pasa de la familia lineal a la familia nuclear. La transforma­ción esta ligada a la aparición del amor paterno-filial, relación que deja de ser únicamente de producción. Se cambia la idea sobre la casa, que se convierte en hogar.

Segnalato da: Emanuela Coppa

The Internet Classics Archive
Electronic archive of classical literary texts, avalilable in English translation.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

The Ancient Greek World
Ancient Greek World virtual gallery at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The section devoted to Greek religion is very interesting.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Characters of Greek Mythology
Personal website about Greek mythology, mainly focused on characters (gods, goddess, heroes, etc.). Interesting resources (such as family trees, correspondances between Greek and Roman names of gods, etc.). The  images are modern interpretations of mythology.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Ancient Greek/Roman Mythology
Personal website from Germany, with some partially interesting material about Greek mythology.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Theoi Project
Recently updated website, with a great quantity of interesting and useful resources about mythology. The section "Encyclopedia" (partially under construction) contains also linguistic information about the correct spelling of Greek names.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Beazley Archive
The Beazley Archive (BA) is a research unit of the Faculty of Classics under the direction of Donna Kurtz, Professor of Classical Art and Fellow of Wolfson College. The Dictionary contains illustrated explanations of names, technical terms, and other vocabulary relating to Greek history, myth, geography, art and architecture. It is constantly being updated and expanded.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities edited William Smith (1870). This edition was scanned by the University of Michigan's project The Making of America. The text on this site underwent a separate OCR process

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Online encyclopedia containing subjects of mythology and folklore, thus came the title MYTHICAL-FOLK. Sections devoted to mythology of different people, including Greeks and Romans. Some sections are partially under construction.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Windows to the Universe es un fácil sistema de aprendizaje con información sobre las ciencias de la Tierra y del Espacio, para uso del público general. Windows to the Universe ha estado en desarrollo desde 1995. Mitologìa clàsica y objetos del cielo. Ingles/Espanol

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Explore mythology and art with information about the classic stories of heroes and gods...from the myths of ancient Greece and Rome, to the legends of the Celts. Mythography also presents resources and reference materials about mythology - including recommended books, and lexicons that explain Greek, Roman, and Celtic terms and words. There's also a forum.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Animals Myths and Legends
Collection of myths and legends; games, puzzles and other activities especially devoted to children.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

Greek Mythology
Educational website, with a section devoted to Greek mythology. It conveys a definition of "myth".

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

An introduction to Greek mythology designed especially for teachers and students gaining their first introduction to mythology. The site has many entertainingly written stories and cartoon graphics including sections on Gods and Heroes, as well as an Encyclopedia of names and terms from myth.

Segnalato da: Claudia Scaglia

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