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Women expanding literacy education action resource network
WE LEARN (Women Expanding / Literacy Education Action Resource Network) promotes women's literacy as a tool for education and transformation. We maintain a list of women-centered adult literacy/reading materials and curriculum resources.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women in Action
the continuation of Laubach Literacy's successful 10-year global initiative - Women in Literacy. The goal of Women in Action is to help women undertake 2,000 life-changing projects in marginalized communities in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas by the year 2005.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

The National Initiative for Women in Higher Education
The National Initiative for Women in Higher Education (NIWHE) is a unique alliance promoting a multicultural women-led agenda for the sustained transformation of higher education for the twenty-first century. NIWHE advances research, analysis, and collective action to achieve gender equity and engage women's leadership to create diverse, democratic educational institutions.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Women's Studies Association
The National Women's Studies Association is committed to support and promote feminist teaching, research, and professional and community service at the pre-K through post-secondary levels. Integral to this commitment is understanding the political ramifications in our teaching, research and service.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Women's Law Center-Education Page
The National Women's Law Center is a leader in the struggle to ensure that women and girls have equal educational opportunities. From the time Congress enacted Title IX -- the 1972 federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education -- the Center has advanced and protected the rights of female students in educational institutions: speaking out against biased testing that restricts opportunities for female students and policies and practices that block women's access to non-traditional courses such as math and science, for example, and addressing pervasive sex-segregation in vocational schools.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Women's History Project
The authoritative women’s history site, the National Women’s History Project page includes classroom ideas, suggested ways to honor women’s history in your community, a listing of events nationwide, membership information, links, and more.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Institute for Women in Trades, Techonology and Science
IWITTS provides the tools to successfully integrate women into male-dominated careers -- such as technology and law enforcement -- via our training, publications, products, e-strategies, and technical assistance. They work nationally and their audience includes educational institutions, police departments, employers, and women and girls themselves. Careers range from automotive technician to pilot, computer networking technician, telecommunications engineer, electrician and police officer.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Council of Negro Women
The National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) was founded in 1935 by Mary McLeod Bethune. NCNW is an "organization of organizations" and serves as a clearing house for the activities of women. From the beginning, women of all racial and cultural backgrounds were included and welcomed to work together. Many of their programs have an educational component.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education
This nonprofit is a coalition of more than 50 organizations dedicated to improving educational opportunities for girls and women. The organization provides leadership in and advocates for the development of national education policies that benefit all women and girls. The site has information on NCWGE, its coalition and national activities, federal legislative updates on related issues, resources, and publications, including substantial resources on Title IX.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Center for Research on Women
The National Center for Research on Women generates and facilitates collaborative research, communication, and cooperative exchange among member centers and affiliates for the purpose of expanding national and international networks of organizations and individuals and to disseminate current information on research, policy and action initiatives, funding opportunities, and other resources. They promote visibility for feminist research and analysis and build stronger links between research, policy, action, and the media.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Testing for Fair and Open Testing
Reviews standardized tests and publishes reports on issues that include high stakes testing, cultural and gender bias in standardized tests, and the misuse of teacher tests. This organization sponsors conferences around equitable testing and provides a nationwide view of standardized tests, citing both good and questionable testing practices.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Association of Girls and Women in Sports
The National Association of Girls and Women in Sportsis the premiere organization dedicated to addressing issues and promoting opportunities for all girls and women in sport. They develop and deliver equitable and quality sport opportunities for ALL girls and women through relevant research, advocacy, leadership development, educational strategies, and programming in a manner that promotes social justice and change. They have a great resource page on Title IX.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators
The National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators (NACWAA) is a membership organization dedicated to providing educational programs, professional and persoal development opportunities, information exchange, and support services to enhance college athletics and to promote the growth, leadership and success of women as athletics administrators, professional staff, coaches and student athletes.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Association for Multicultural Education
The National Association for Multicultural Education is dedicated to the creation of a multicultural curriculum from Pre-Primary Grades to Post-Graduate School. NAME advocates for educational equity and social justice and has consistently and passionately supported gender equality in school and community.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

National Alliance for Partnership in Equity
The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity, Inc. (NAPE) is a consortium of state agencies whose mission includes promoting key equity issues, particularly gender equity, in education and workforce development. NAPE is an advocate for educational policy and programming for youth and adults that reduce the barriers and biases commonly found in our educational and workforce systems.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Mentor Net
MentorNet is The E-Mentoring Network for Women in Engineering and Science. MentorNet is a nonprofit initiative sponsored through partnerships, grants and donations. The mission is to further women's progress in scientific and technical fields through the use of a dynamic, technology-supported mentoring program and to advance women and society, and enhance engineering and related sciences, by promoting a diversified, expanded and talented workforce

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Jo Sanders Homepage
Jo Sanders is an experienced author who has directed and consulted on national projects in gender equity in education and employment since 1979. She has conducted extensive interviews in connection with over 50 books and articles she has published. This website outlines some of the services she provides around gender equity.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

International Museum of Women
The International Museum of Women is a world-class cultural and educational institution proposed for San Francisco. It will be the only international museum exclusively dedicated to chronicling and honoring the lives of women worldwide.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Gender, Diversities and Techonology Institute
The Gender, Diversities & Technology Institute is a learning exchange, an incubator for new ideas and approaches, a generator of new policy. They are a global institute dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals and organizations through innovative approaches to life-long learning and believe that the connection between learning and human development is most powerful when the unique pespectives and strengths associated with gender, race, ethnicity, and other diversities guide and inform the process. They provide a safe space that connects, informs, and mobilizes people and organizations committed to creating gender-healthy education and workplaces, leadership, and sustainable development.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Gender and Conflict Transformation
This four-week online course shows what a gender-sensitive approach to conflict transformation looks like and how it can be implemented in organisation's strategies. The Network University is a centre for collaborative learning. It's a network of universities and outside experts. It offers innovative courses online, addressing the learning needs of a worldwide audience of professionals and students.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Feminist Development Economics
This is a six-week intensive Diploma Program that addresses the main economic issues of gender development.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Equity online
This site contains issues of the Women's Educational Equity Act Digest, plus information on gender equity in politics, education, and other areanas. Read inspiration stories of women and girls fighting for change.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Educational Equity Concepts
Educational Equity Concepts, Inc. is a national not-for-profit organization that promotes bias-free learning through innovative programs and materials. Founded in 1982, our mission is to decrease discrimination based on gender, race/ethnicity, disability, and level of family income.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Diotima: Materials for the Study of Wome and Gender in the Ancient World
One of the best overall sites on the Internet, Diotima contains extensive listings of links, announcements, course guides, essays, and resources pertaining to gender in the region around the ancient Mediterranean.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly, is often described as an international bill of rights for women.  Consisting of a preamble and 30 articles, it defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda for national action to end such discrimination. CEDAW has not yet been ratified by the United States.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Bernice Sandler's Webpage
Dr. Bernice R. Sandler is a Senior Scholar at the Women's Research and Education Institute in Washington, DC, where she consults with institutions and others about achieving equity for women and is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at MCP Hahneman School of Medicine. She has given over 2000 campus presentations, has written more than 60 articles on sex discrimination, and is well-known for her expertise in women’s educational equity in general as well as in sexual harassment, the chilly classroom climate, and policies and programs affecting women on campus. She also serves as an expert witness in discrimination and sexual harassment cases. Sandler played a major role in the development and passage of Title IX and other legislation prohibiting discrimination against women and girls in education, and has been associated with Title IX longer than any other person. Her website provides many useful professional resources.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Association for Women in Science
AWIS is the Association for Women in Science. We are a non-profit association which works to promote women's activities in all scientific fields, from mentoring to scholarships to job listings. AWIS has over 5,000 members in fields spanning the life and physical sciences, mathematics, social science, and engineering. Over 50% of AWIS members have doctorates in their respective fields, and hold positions at all levels of industry, academia, and government. As part of its efforts to promote the entrance and advancement of women in science, AWIS has a long-standing commitment to fostering the careers of women science professionals. At the national level, AWIS publishes a variety of materials to inform girls and women about science programs and women's issues, including the bimonthly AWIS Magazine. The organization serves as a voice for women in science by helping to shape national policy through Congressional testimony and by participating in a variety of national coalitions.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education
The mission of the Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education (AGELE) is to provide leadership in the identification and infusion of gender equity in all educational programs and processes, and within parallel equity concerns, including, but not limited to, age, disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation and socio-economic status.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Gender Training
This site provides resources, tools, and consultation on today's diversity issues in the workplace, as well as information about gender diversity management and training for businesses, individuals and organizations.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Archivio pace e diritti umani
L'Archivio Pace e Diritti Umani promuove e diffonde, in particolare nelle scuole ed istituti di ogni ordine e grado e nelle facoltà universitarie, i risultati delle ricerche e dei materiali didattici prodotti. Ha, inoltre, lo scopo di raccogliere ogni utile dato prodotto nonché di acquisirne di nuovi e di fornire alle istituzioni ed ai cittadini ogni documentazione ed informazione utile a favorire il radicamento nella comunità di una cultura dell'educazione alla Pace.

Segnalato da: Valeria Bergamasco

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