Risultati ricerca

Educazione al suono e alla musica
Il corso tende a fornire strumenti tecnici utili ai maestri elementari per realizzare gli obiettivi formativi-educativi previsti dai programmi ministeriali. Corso a pagamento con rilascio di attestato finale per insegnanti della scuola primaria

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Corsi Vari
Corsi vari di diverse materie per insegnanti. Corsi gratuiti per insegnanti di ogni ordine e grado

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Didattica della scrittura
Il corso formerà i docenti al ruolo di tutor in un progetto di e-learning per la didattica per la scrittura che riguarderà sia l'approccio metodologico sia le applicazione tecnologiche. Corso gratuito per insegnanti delle scuole medie superiori

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Progetto Polaris
Il corso ha come obiettivo la formazione dei docenti nella progettazione, sperimentazione e conduzione di percorsi di apprendimento on-line. Corso gratuito per insegnanti di ogni ordine e grado

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Tutor di rete
la sperimentazione di un percorso per la formazione di tutor di rete da impiegare nell'ambito delle attività di formazione aperta e a distanza per i docenti della Toscana. Corso gratuito per tutti i tipi di insegnanti

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Esplorare e comunicare
Imparare a comunicare con i bambini per migliorare i momenti di apprendimento e insegnamento. Corso a pagamento per insegnanti della scuola primaria e della scuola materna

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Progettista sviluppatore di contenuti
L'obiettivo del corso è quello di favorire l'acquisizione delle competenze di base per gestire, progettare e sviluppare i contenuti della discipline nell'ambito dei diversi percorsi. Corso per tutti i tipi di docenti, a pagamento con rilascio di attestato finale

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Didattica dell'italiano
Questo corso si propone di approfondire le competenze professionali degli insegnanti in relazione all'insegnamento della lingua italiana. Corso a pagamento per insegnanti della scuola primaria

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Didattica della matematica
Il corso si propone di mettere in contatto gli insegnanti con l'attuale attività di ricercatore nel campo della didattica della matematica. Corso a pagamento per docenti della scuola primaria

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

La biblioteca a scuola
Il corso si propone di far acquisira agli insegnanti competenze nalla gestione delle biblioteche. Corso a pagamento per insegnanti della scuola primaria

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Corsi Vari
Vetrina di corsi on line gratuiti dedicati agli insegnanti inerenti a varie discipline scolastiche. Corsi gratuiti per insegnanti di ogni ordine e grado

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

La scuola del futuro: modelli, metodologie e prototipi per l'innovazione educativa
il progetto ha l'obiettivo di definire in meccanismo di rete per la propagazione di competenze relative didattica legata all'uso delle nuove tecnologie. Corso a pagamento per tutti i tipi di insegnanti

Segnalato da: Vanessa Ficicchia

Interim Influenza Vaccination Recommendations, 2004--05 Influenza Season
Priority Groups for Influenza Vaccination. Vaccination of Persons in Nonpriority Groups. Persons Who Should Not Receive Influenza Vaccine.

Segnalato da: roberto trinchero

To craft and implement global educational and advocacy strategies to improve the quality of care provided to all people living with HIV/AIDS


Development Alternatives with Women in a new Era
DAWN is a network of women scholars and activists from the economic South who engage in feminist research and analysis of the global environment and are committed to working for economic justice, gender justice and democracy. DAWN works globally and regionally in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Pacific in partnership with other global NGOs and networks.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women's Edge
Women's EDGE is a dynamic coalition of individuals and respected organizations that is giving women and families around the world an economic edge. Women's EDGE organizes for economic, political and social change.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

A women's Zionist organization, Hadassah is committed to healing, teaching, and research on the physical, spiritual, and cultural levels. Find organizational information about this national community of Jewish women at this site.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
This site includes links to various women's sites and houses information pages for a number of women's organizations. Find a lookup utility for women's services in your area, classifieds, articles and speeches by prominentfeminists, weekly news updates, a women-owned business section

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women and Girls Tech Up
Tech Up is the webzine of a collaborative project for women and girls organizations that showcases ideas and creative work about media, technology, mentorship, and political action. The site looks at barriers to women and girls' participation in the media, politics, and technology.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

New Moon Magazine
This is the online version of New Moon Magazine for Girls. It is well organized, and includes stories and articles by girls, facts about New Moon Magazine, subscription information, articles by parents about parenting, and many great links.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Girls Pipeline to Power
The Girls' Pipeline to Power provides resources for girls to become active in politics, government, and community, including stories from girls who have made a difference and a message board where girls can talk politics.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Girl Tech
Girl Tech is a wonderful resource for girls and women looking for an introduction to the the web. Girl Tech has a girl-powered search engine; links and articles about women in sports; discussions on issues from body image to girls and technology; creative writing by girls; and multicultural activities. The site is interactive, with many fun games and surveys to fill out.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Enciclopedia of Women History
The Encyclopedia of Women's History was born out of a school project in which each of the students submitted a report on a different famous woman. The site has expanded beyond just that class, or even school, and takes submissions from any K through grade 12 student . Entries are listed alphabetically by subject. The site also includes a page of links to other women's history sites

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Empowering Books for Girls
Info about the book "The Girls' Guide to Life", which is all about helping girls combat sexism, plus other nonfiction empowering titles for girls ages 9-15

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Dads and Daughters
DADs provides tools to strengthen our relationships with our daughters and transform the pervasive messages that value our daughters more for how they look than who they are. The site contains an updated media watch section highlighting sexist ads and letting you know how to take action.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

European Women Lobby
The European Women's Lobby (EWL) is the largest co-ordinating body of national and European non-governmental women's organisations in the European Union, with over 4000 member associations in the 25 Member States. The EWL's goal is to achieve equality between women and men in Europe and to serve as a link between political decision-makers and women's organisations at EU level.  

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Woman Watch
WomenWatch is a joint initiative of three entities in the UN system specifically devoted to women's issues: DAW, UNIFEM, & INSTRAW. The site serves as a gateway to UN information and data on women world wide and an evolving forum on global women's issues in the follow-up to the FWCW and constitutes an electronicspace for exchange of information and ideas on women's issues. Find information on the UN's work on behalf of the women of the world, the global agenda for improving the status of women, UN committees, conferences, and activities of the commission on the status of women.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women's International Legue for Peace and Freedom
WILPF works for "the equality of all people in a world free of sexism, racism, classism, and homophobia, the guarantee of fundamental human rights including the right to sustainable development, an end to all forms of violence: rape, battering, exploitation, intervention and war, the transfer of world resources from military to human needs, leading to economic justice within and among nations, world disarmament and peaceful resolution of international conflicts via the United Nations." Find information on how these goals can be acheived using this Web site.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Women's Freedom Forum
Women's Freedom Forum is an educational and research entity advocating women's equality, legal and human rights, political participation and empowerment. It promotes women’s health, children’s right, and equal job opportunities. Women's Freedom Forum aims to expose gender apartheid, fundamentalism, violence against women, misogyny, human trafficking, and child abuse and job discrimination. Women's Freedom Forum is not affiliated with any government agency, political groups or parties.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

Global Fund for Women
An international organization whose mission is to fight for women's human rights, the GFW site is both a financial and informational resource center for women's groups based outside of the U.S. The scope of the organization is broad, focusing on issues such as domestic violence, economic justice and literacy, and the international trafficking of women, to name just a few. The site contains an online newsletter, information about their programs on grantmaking and philanthropic education

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva

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