Risultati ricerca

Fair Trade
Fair Trade attempts to address the poverty issues of small Southern producers ... place in national coffee and co-operative sectors, a loyal image of the

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Peace Education
The number one priority of negotiation is to ensure peace - yet for all this, war and violence is all around us. There is little doubt that teaching peace is one of the most important educational goals - peace can indeed be taught and learned.

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

The saddest part of the story is that this state of disorder and confusion in the society is affecting the children's innocent minds. Children naturally absorb the spirit of violence in the atmosphere and will soon grow to be the next generation of perpetuators of violence. Therefore the need to nurture peace in the hearts of children has arisen as urgent issues to be addressed

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

Peace education brings together multiple traditions of pedagogy, theories of education, and international initiatives for the advancement of human development through learning. It is fundamentally dynamic, interdisciplinary, and multicultural and grows out of the work of educators such as John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Paulo Freire, Johan Galtung, Elise and Kenneth Boulding, and many others.

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda
* - 9k

Since we began in 1988, Coocafe has sold coffee to the Fair Trade market. Thanks to this model of trade our organization has gotten stronger and now looks to the future with optimism despite the fact the coffee prices on the conventional market continue to suffer from a prolonged period of crisis.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

What's a Green Business?
Green businesses operate in ways that solve, rather than cause, both environmental and social problems.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Fair Trade Partnerships Empowering Business Model for Haiti’s Coffee Growers
The fair trade market serves as a vehicle, not the end goal, for building long-term market and product development opportunities for small farmer cooperatives.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Fair Trade
Imagine a community in which the cornerstone of trade is a currency based on faith in your neighbor, not on a government promise to incur debt. Businesses put their profits back into the community, creating local jobs. Locally-produced and purchased goods, services and agriculture are the norm, not the exception. Individuals’ talent, ingenuity and creativity take on new and tradable value. And the minimum wage is $10 an hour.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Creating Alternatives: The ESF, anti-neo-liberalism and fair trade
Fair trade is something I've been interested in for quite a while now. I buy it 'when I can' (i.e. when it's convenient or when I remember); I have a subscription to Ethical Consumer (and sometimes I even get around to reading it); and I'm interested in how this practice relates to academic theories about contemporary consumer culture.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Peace Education
There are two strands to Peace Education: educating for peace and education about peace.

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

Where to read about peace education is a resource for an active growing network of individuals and groups to share information, build community and connections, and support local, regional and national efforts to , address the roots of violence by educating for a culture of peace.

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

UNESCO in action: education
“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed,”

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

Peace Education
Promote a culture of peace in which the decisive element is peace education, including disarmament, human rights, tolerance and development

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

TransFair USA s’emploie à faire des pratiques de commerce loyal (« Fair Trade ») une norme pour les produits cultivés ou fabriqués dans les pays en voie de développement et vendus aux Etats-Unis

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Pueblos del Sur
Our mission is to improve the standard of living for owners and employees of Chilean handicraft workshops, by promoting and exporting various handmade products of the highest quality, while supporting these same artisans

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

The mission of Pueblo Esperanza is to promote economic development through the sale of fair trade arts and crafts from microcredit, cooperative, and entrepreneurial artisan communities around the world. We believe it is our responsibility to pay a living wage to all our artists

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Geschichten für eine Kultur des Friedens
"The culture of peace is based on the principles established in the Charter of the United Nations and on respect for human rights, democracy and tolerance, the promotion of development, education for peace,

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

Peace Education
Günther Gugel and Uli Jäger from the Institute for Peace Education Tübingen differentiate between three core elements of peace education in the following text, all of which are closely related and structural in character:

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

Education for Internationalism, Peace, and Development
I would like to outline for you at least four ways in which I believe that international education programs, and the International Baccalaureate Organization in particular, can contribute towards shaping a brighter future for the world. These are: by cultivating global awareness in your students, by developing their capacity for leadership, by extending scholarship aid to poor students, and by raising your own adult voices on behalf of the marginalized, the poor, the excluded, the voiceless.

Segnalato da: Michela Oderda

Introduction to the Global Economy
Introduction to the Global Economy will be available around mid-April. For a deeper understanding, educate yourself with our Global Economy 101 section!

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Our Four-Point Plan
Privacy policies seem like very simple things. Companies put up a notice online about how they gather and use information, and it's win-win from there. Consumers get the lay of the land, and Net companies pass on to consumers the responsibility for their online privacy.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Zancadilla del Congreso al TLC con Estados Unidos
Un grupo de parlamentarios presentará hoy un proyecto de ley que generará una gran controversia por sus efectos sobre las negociaciones

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira


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Lealdad Comercial: El Equilibrio Entre La Propiedad Intelectual, La Competencia y Otros Derechos
Acuerdo de Resolución de Conflicto II – Antitrust, II,1. Gobernación Corporativa – Comercio e Inversión, II.1.1. Comercio y Medio Ambiente; III – Comercio y Transferencia de Tecnología; IV – Recursos Biológicos, Folklore y Conocimiento Tradicional; V – Indicación Geográfica; VI – Declaración sobre el Acuerdo TRIPS y Salud Pública; VII – Aplicación de los Derechos IP y el Rol de las Oficinas Nacionales, VII,1. Compensación

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

El Tratado de Libre
Este informe ofrece una visión general del acuerdo paralelo de derecho laboral del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLC) en función de un caso en el cual se ha utilizado dicho acuerdo para promover los derechos laborales en México.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Ecuador retrasa su ley de competencia
Muchos países cuentan con una Ley de Competencia que les permite, entre otras cosas, la adquisición de productos más baratos, igualdad de oportunidades a todas las empresas que participan en el mercado, el libre ingreso y la permanencia de nuevos competidores, y la oferta de productos de mejor calidad y precio.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Comercio de bienes
Existencia de nichos de mercado con alto potencial para la exportación como: agricultura y ganadería, alimentos y bebidas, automotriz, construcción, eléctrico, imprenta, maquinaria, metálicas, minería, muebles, químicos, regalos y textil.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

La ciencia en relación con la civilización moderna
La Europa en la época de la Reforma, nos da un ejemplo del resultado de las influencias romanas en cuanto a promover la civilización. La América, examinada del mismo modo en la época actual, nos presenta un ejemplo de la influencia de la ciencia.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Deseosos de reducir las distorsiones del comercio internacional y los obstáculos al mismo, y teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de fomentar una protección eficaz y adecuada de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y de asegurarse de que las medidas y procedimientos destinados a hacer respetar dichos derechos no se conviertan a su vez en obstáculos al comercio legítimo;

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

E’ nella natura di un’impresa moderna assumere una responsabilità sociale all’altezza dei compiti dettati dalle veloci trasformazioni della società.

Segnalato da: Sonia Rivoira

Indietro - Pagina 118 di 602 - Avanti