Risultati ricerca

protocollo opzionale sul coinvolgimento dei minori nei conflitti armati
documento legislativo internazionale riguardante i minori nei conflitti armati. A fondo pagina si trova la versione integrale in formato pdf.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

El trabajo colaborativo en la Red: Una herramienta para la innovación en la enseñanza universitaria
"El objetivo fundamental de esta comunicación es exponer nuestra experiencia de uso de una herramienta de trabajo colaborativo en la red (BSCW) como soporte a la docencia y a la gestión de la investigación."

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Entornos para la realización de actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo a distancia
El artículo se centra en el estudio de entornos para aprendizaje colaborativo.Se presenta el sistema DEGREE(acrónimo de Distance education Environment for GRoup ExperiencEs)que permite la realización de una
variedad de tareas de aprendizaje por parte de grupos pequeños de estudiantes,permitiendo diversos métodos de

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Se pretende aquí llevar la mirada hacia las diferencias entre lo que se
denomina Computer Supported Cooperative Work y lo que en esencia es el aprendizaje
colaborativo: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.Para ello se analizan y comparan ambos ambientes,para luego realizar un recorrido sobre los distintos
recursos de colaboración existentes en la red y su aporte a la educación.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

El paradigma constructivista en el diseño de actividades y productos informáticos para ambientes de aprendizaje "on-line"
En este trabajo se discute cómo a partir del constructivismo se puede promover ambientes instruccionales que incorporando productos informáticos favorecen la creación de nuevas formas de aprendizaje, centradas en el que aprende, al permitir un mayor grado de libertad en los estudiantes, facilitar una mejor retroalimentación y estimular el aprendizaje colaborativo.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Understanding slavery
This is a project that introduces students to the broad scope of slavery trroughout history, American institutions, religion, government and home life.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Slavery today
An interactive map provides in-detail info on slavery troughuot the world.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Slavery: Worldwide Evil
From Khartoum to Calcutta, from Brazil to Bangladesh... men, women and children live and work as slaves or in slave-like conditions.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

The health risks of Human Trafficking
What is trafficking, and why is it a health issue? How are slaves affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic? How does physical abuse affect the health of slaves? What happens when slaves become pregnant? How are drugs and other substances used against slaves? After the scars fade away are slaves healed?

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Definitions, the contemporary status of slavery, history, International abolitionist movements, reparations.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Slavery pictures by Thomas Nast
Thomas Nast, a staunch Abraham Lincoln supporter, used his art to show the Nation a picture of how things could be. The images capture the important events related to slavery in the 1860's Civil War.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Commercial sexual exploitation of children
This is a truly global problem that requires global action. In this space we find the underlying causes of CSEC, the impact of CSEC on children and effective responses to CSEC.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

The fight against children sexual exploitation
The situation in the world and a plan of the countries to fight children sexual exploitation.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Sexual exploitation of minors
Certain activities relating to material involving the sexual exploitation of minors.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Kids can free the children
Protection of children from sexual exploitation and helpful facts.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Manitoba Strategy
Manitoba Strategy responding to children and youth at risk of, or survivors of, sexual exploitation

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Child Sexual Exploitation
Many questions and answers to explain what is sexual exploitation.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Facts about sexual exploitation of children
What is child prostitution? What is sex tourism? What is child pornography?

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Children's fights
Documents, International Instruments, Conferences, Articles, Reports on the Sale of Children, Chil Prostitution and Child Pornography.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Child labour
What is child labour- and why should be involved? What is this issue?
Campaign against child labour and Internet resources. Shareholder action plan. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Child labour in Urban and Rural Areas.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Children and poverty
Those children who are doing paid or unpaid work in factories, workshops, estabilishments, mines and in the service sector such as domestic labour.
Types of working children; where do the children work?

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Global march against child labour
An interview with International Council Members.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Child labour: the situation
What this? What sorts of jobs? What causes? What can be done? Legislation and Laws.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Begging children-What we do?
Should we hand gifts to begging children in third world countries? Are we helping or hindering these little people? Here there are many opinions about these questions.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Children in chains by Donna M. Hughes
That boy begging you for money could be a slave.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Street children
Definition of street children; Mexico street children and statistics.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Unicef in action
Building a protection environment for children; eight elements of a protective environment.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Restoring their dignity
How to stop the world's worst crime. Britain should stop procrastinating and protect sex trafficking victims.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Education: How you can help
Do something! Use your imagination! Get others involved! Speak out! Organize!
Let's make schools for the world's children a more important priority than war, cosmetics, perfume, alcohol, or advertising! Take a stand!

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti

Promoting child rights
Promotion and protection of child rights is a challenging issue; it is essentially the responsability of the state. Children are the foundation of the nation

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu.

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