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Avvelenamento e intossicazine
Tipi di avvelenamento e intossicazione:
.Avvelenamento per ingestione
.Avvelenamento per inalazione
.Avvelenamento per contatto

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Il sistema immunitario
Componenti del sistema immunitario, tipi di immunità, induzione di una risposta anticorporale, gli anticorpi, interazione antigene-anticorpo.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

The chapter resources portion of this site was designed and created by Duane W. Sears, Professor of Immunology and Biochemistry at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
A REVIEW:1)Erno Lehtinen,Marjaana Rahikainen(University of Turku); 2)Kai Hakkarainen,Lasse Lipponen,Hanni Muukkonen(University of Helsinki)

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

CSCL Theories
The Emergence of Theories of CSCL:Vygotsky's sociocultural theory,Constructivism Theory,Problem-based learning /Anchored Instruction,Distributed Cognition,Cognitive Flexibility Theory,Cognitive Apprenticeship,Situated Cognition.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Issues in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
This paper presents some personal observations and critical reflections on the emerging field of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). The perspective adopted here is not based on a deep immersion in this new field, nor does it come from some omniscient position outside.For example, we share a common concern with how learning occurs, and can be supported through various media, especially computers. More specifically, we also share an interest in collaborative processes as distinct from individual ones, whether it be in the context of learning or more general work settings.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Apprendimento collaborativo basato sul computer
Questo articolo cerca di definire un campo relativamente nuovo e promettente per l' uso dei computer e delle telecomunicazioni nell'educazione e nell'addestramento: l'apprendimento collaborativo basato sul computer, indicato da qui in poi con l'acronimo CSCL (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning). L'enfasi è sui modi in cui la tecnologia dell'informazione può essere usata per mediare e supportare la comunicazione tra i membri di gruppi impegnati in un'attività di apprendimento, rimuovendo i limiti spaziali e temporali. Anche se strategie di CSCL possono essere messe in atto in ambito scolastico, probabilmente è nel contesto dell'apprendimento aperto a distanza che il CSCL presenta maggiori potenzialità per la realizzazione di programmi per la formazione postsecondaria degli adulti.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

The Sociability of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments
"...we propose an intelligent CSCL environment. The environment is based upon a theoretical framework that suggests embedding certain properties in the environment to act as social contextual facilitators - social affordances - to initiate and sustain learner’s social interactions. Finally, a group awareness widget (GAW) - a software tool providing the learner group awareness about the others in the task and in the non-task context - is introduced as an embodiment of this theoretical framework."

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning Environments: A Framework for Analysis
Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning (CSCL) is a research area
that studies how technology can support the learning processes promoted through collaborative efforts among students working in a given task. The objective of this work is to trace a profile with the main issues related to CSCL environments. For this, a framework is proposed to organize these issues, and a report is made, including available environments and their classification in agreement with the framework.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series
The Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Book Series is for people working in the CSCL field. The scope of the series extends to 'collaborative learning' in its broadest sense.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Computer-supported collaborative learning in primary, secondary and vocational education
This project has explored the effectiveness of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Networks in creating a community of learners who use educational technology to build knowledge together through learning environments. Experimenting with different kinds of educational software, the project studied 25 teachers from 20 schools and almost 600 students from primary (10-12 yrs), secondary (13-16 yrs) and vocational (18-24 yrs) education in five countries (Belgium, Finland, Greece, Italy, and The Netherlands).

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Kaleidoscope Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Special Interest Group
Rather than describing all the papers presented, this article focuses on two themes that emerged from the sessions I attended, specifically, whether motivation is a state or a trait, and whether technology oversimplifies tasks.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Computer supported collaborative learning using wirelessly interconnected handheld computers
"We describe how weaknesses in coordination, communication, organization of materials, negotiation, interactivity and lack of mobility can be solved with a mobile computer supported collaborative learning environment with Handhelds interconnected by a wireless network".

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Apprendimento Collaborativo Supportato dal Computer
Prerequisiti, vantaggi e rischi

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

A brief overview & interesting links for further study

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Designing Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Activities for Specific Contexts
This paper explores the design of computer supported collaborative learning activities. There is a need for methods to develop learning activities suitable for various domains. The context in focus here is workplace learning, specifically collaborative learning among mobile and distributed colleagues

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Conditions for computer-supported collaborative learning
"...we discuss some myths of e-Learning. We then describe the research field Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and present typical application scenarios as well as design concepts for CSCL environments. Finally, we report some experience with CSCL usage in university settings."

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Towards Valid CSCL Tools From an Educationalist Perspective
This article discusses some of the issues involved in the emerging science of shared interactive learning environments (Pea, 1994) and draws attention to an alternative, though not new, definition which could serve to unite the many faces belonging to this discipline.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Le Talassemie
Progetto sviluppato dalla Seconda Università di Napoli sulle Talassemie, con particolare riguardo all'alfa talassemia, i tipi di emoglobina variante, la beta talassemia e la mappatura del cromosoma 11.

Segnalato da: Daniela Crestani

Le Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning dans la formation
"Nous défendrons donc ici l’idée selon laquelle un modèle de formation à distance
fondé sur une communauté d’apprentissage permet une synergie de groupe dont le potentiel
pédagogique est plus fort que celui fondé sur la simple communication entre pairs."

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Une approche des usages pour l’apprentissage collaboratif avec instruments
L’apports de quelques cadres théoriques portant sur la dimension sociale de l’activité humaine

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Quels nouveaux rôles pour les formateurs d’enseignants
Pour mieux comprendre les « nouveaux rôles » des formateurs d’enseignants dans un contexte
d’apprentissage collaboratif à distance et les changements de pratiques que cela implique, il
nous paraît essentiel de clarifier les champs théoriques qui ont été les nôtres.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Apprendre en collaborant : les rôles du tuteur à distance
L'objet de cette contribution est de présenter les rôles du tuteur en ligne tels qu’ils ont
été mis en oeuvre et développés suite à une expérience de deux années intitulée Learn-Nett6.
Cette expérience vise à mettre sur pied un dispositif inter-universitaire de formation
d'enseignants, basé sur l'apprentissage collaboratif.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Aspects de la conception d’un environnement collaboratif de modélisation à distance
Dans ce travail nous abordons la problématique et certaines aspects de la conception d’un
environnement collaboratif d’apprentissage à distance pour soutenir la modélisation scientifique.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Un environnement pédagogique dédié aux projets collectifs à distance intégrant une assistance aux apprenants et au chef de projet
proposons dans cet article une organisation de projet
collectif à distance fondée, d’une part, sur la notion
d’équipe composée d’une triade d’apprenants et d’un
chef de projet, et, d’autre part, sur la structuration des
projets sous la forme d’une succession d’étapes
synchrones et asynchrones avec rédaction de documents
individuels et collectifs permettant de structurer les
activités tout en assurant un rythme au projet.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Using Technology to Bridge Learning in Groups
This paper presents a brief review of the literature related to some practical implications surrounding how technology can be used in university teaching. How can it be used to enhance collaborative learning? Implications are based on findings from empirical studies examining different ways technology was used to develop student knowledge through group work.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Etat de l'art sur les collectifs humains médiés
Théories sur les collectifs humains médiés et orientations actuelles:Communication Médiée par Ordinateur,Travail Coopératif Assisté par Ordinateur,Apprentissage Coopératif Assisté par Ordinateur.

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Un aperçu de l' apprentissage collaboratif assisté par ordinateur
Le texte ci-dessous n'est pas un article!Il s'agit simplement de quelques notes en ligne qui ont pour but de donner au lecteur un aperçu sur l'apprentissage collaboratif assisté par ordinateur(CSCL,Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning).

Segnalato da: Selena Vocale

Substance hallucinogène qui modifie les perceptions, disent les dictionnaires. La définition de la drogue varie cependant selon les pays: substance normale d'un côté des Pyrénées, substance interdite de l'autre.

Segnalato da: Erica Gaggero

No final dos anos 60 os Beatles afirmavam em uma de suas canções : “A felicidade é uma arma morna”. Ninguém entendeu muito bem o que estavam querendo dizer porque naquela época os valores estavam mudando, a liberação sexual, a contra cultura, os prazeres imediatos estavam em voga. Açoitado  por duas  grandes guerras que destruíram  parte de uma cultura milenar, o mundo ocidental achou por bem viver prazeres momentâneos, uma vez que havíamos atingido um ponto em que a tecnologia ameaçava  extinguir  toda a humanidade (e toda a obra humana).A ameaça não foi afastada e a  busca da felicidade imediata ainda reina soberana representando um perigo tão grande quanto o arsenal bélico desenvolvido nas últimas décadas.

Segnalato da: Erica gaggero

Indietro - Pagina 107 di 602 - Avanti