Prevenzione alle tossicodipendenze/Drogue Prévention

TeachersGuide is a drug education resource that was developed by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. We provide teachers with ideas and resources for incorporating drug prevention messages into the classroom.

As part of Web site, TeachersGuide is able take advantage of other drug prevention resources that are available for adults to use when talking to kids about drugs. TeachersGuide was created and designed with input from veteran educators and behavioral experts.

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Indirizzo utile per trovare tesi e dissertazioni riguardanti il tema della droga in portoghese

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The Addiction Science Network (ASNet)
The Addiction Science Network (ASNet) is a virtual network for the scientific study of addiction and for the application of information derived from scientific analysis to the problems of addiction. Explicit in the mission of the ASNet is the dissemination of information about addiction, which is accomplished in part through this website.

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The Center for Alcohol and other Drug Education (CADE)
The Center for Alcohol and other Drug Education (CADE) at The George Washington University (GW) serves to educate students so that they can make informed and responsible decisions regarding substance-related behavior and other student-wellness issues. Through collaboration with other service areas and departments on campus, CADE provides programs, services, and resources that encourage students to recognize that their decisions impact not only themselves, but also the greater GW and District of Columbia communities.

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The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada's leading addiction and mental health teaching hospital. CAMH succeeds in transforming the lives of people affected by addiction and mental illness, by applying the latest in scientific advances, through integrated and compassionate clinical practice, health promotion, education and research.

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The Higher Education Center's
The Higher Education Center's purpose is to help college and community leaders develop, implement, and evaluate programs and policies to reduce student problems related to alcohol and other drug use and interpersonal violence.  The Center favors a comprehensive approach to prevention. Central to this approach is a mix of environmental management strategies to address the institutional, community, and public policy factors that contribute to these problems.  The Center supports the development of a prevention infrastructure, primarily by facilitating the work of statewide prevention initiatives and campus-community coalitions. The Center provides trainings, technical assistance, and publications to support these efforts.  The Center also promotes innovative program development to improve student education, campus-based media campaigns (including social norms campaigns), early intervention, treatment, and recovery strategies, and enforcement.

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The Indiana Prevention Resource centre
The Center is funded by a contract with the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Mental Health. A statewide clearinghouse designates for prevention technical assistance and information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. This site offers information on drugs, drug testing, legal issues, drug statistics, and links to other Internet resources.

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The SAMHSA Model Programs
The SAMHSA Model Programs featured on this site have been tested in communities, schools, social service organizations, and workplaces across America, and have provided solid proof that they have prevented or reduced substance abuse and other related high-risk behaviors. Programs included have been reviewed by SAMHSA's National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices (NREPP). This Web site serves as a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in learning about and/or implementing these programs.

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The Web of Addictions
The Web of Addictions is dedicated to providing accurate information about alcohol and other drug addictions. The Web of Addictions was developed for several reasons. We are concerned about the pro drug use messages in some Web sites and in some use groups.We are concerned about the appalling extent of misinformation about abused drugs on the internet, particularly on some usenet newsgroups. Finally, we wanted to provide a resource for teachers, students and others who needed factual information about abused drugs.

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Benvenuto in TOSSICODIPENDENZE.NET, il sito per trovare le risposte alle tue domande sulla psicoterapia della tossicodipendenza

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Nous répondons à 4 missions principales :

Répondre aux besoins locaux d'information et de documentation par l'animation d'un réseau national
Mener une veille et une analyse de l'information et de la documentation spécialisée
Produire et diffuser des outils de recherche qualitatifs d'information et de documentation
Développer, en France et à l'étranger, un partenariat complémentaire avec les principaux centres d'information, d'études et de documentation.

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Ministerio da saude - Servico de prevencao e tratamento da toxicodependencia

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Trabajo libre drogas
Boletin de drogodependencias y medio laboral

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Trihexyphenidyl abuse
O abuso de drogas anticolinérgicas na indução de estados mentais alterados, como alucinações e delírios, é amplamente
conhecido. Entre essas, a triexifenidila (TEF) (Artane®) parece ser a mais abusada. No Brasil, seu consumo já foi
observado entre pacientes psicóticos, estudantes de 1o e 2o graus da rede pública, meninos de rua e usuários de crack.
Diante da carência de relatos brasileiros que retratassem o consumo inadequado da triexifenidila, esse estudo foi
conduzido para caracterizar a população usuária e as razões subjacentes ao seu abuso.
Utilizando-se de metodologia qualitativa e amostra intencional selecionada por critérios (21 usuários e 16 ex-usuários),
observou-se a predominância de homens solteiros, poliusuários e sem vínculos empregatícios, que relataram o abuso
da droga na obtenção, principalmente, de alucinações e delírios. A TEF, consumida em associação a álcool, outras
drogas lícitas (BZD) e ilícitas, interfere nas funções cognitivas, como memória, atenção e aprendizado, prejudicando os
usuários no desempenho de muitas de suas atividades c otidianas. Por ser relatada como medicamento de fácil acesso,
baixo custo e com efeitos drásticos na vida do usuário, os resultados apontam para a necessidade de medidas mais
efetivas em sua liberação, além da necessidade de adoção de medidas preventivas para que seu abuso seja evitado.

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United Nations Office on drugs and crime

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Welcome to
Welcome to  This website is dedicated to helping people with addiction or problems with alcohol and other drugs and to provide information, resources and guidance for the addict and their families. Licensed professional drug and alcohol counselors with many years of experience directed the creation of this web site.  It provides the most up-to-date information on addiction, the current drug usage and patterns, and the most effective steps towards recovery.  We will continually update its resources.

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Welcome to the Arium Foundation Web Site
Welcome to Arium ... a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of addictions and their effects upon individuals, families and our communities, through the provision of resources, information and research concerning drug and alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome and other substance abuse issues.
Arium has been providing addiction education information and resources on the Internet since 1998.

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