Gender equality

Una delle richieste del movimento femminista sviluppatosi in Gran Bretagna negli anni settanta riguardava i programmi di educazione permanente ed in particolare il riconoscimento dell’importanza del ruolo sociale delle donne e della loro capacità di formarsi anche rispetto ad attività economiche.Alcune università hanno sviluppato programmi destinati in modo specifico alle esperienze delle donne migranti attraverso iniziative di alcuni insegnanti o progetti specifici a partire dai bisogni delle comunità di migranti.

Segnalato da: Serio Caterina,Gaito Amalia,Quadrelli Marta,Cicerale Lorena
19 anni in poi

Dr. Homa Darabi Fundation
Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation is a nonprofit organization concerned with all violations of human rights focusing on defending the rights of women against religious, cultural and social abuse.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Drisha Institute
A forum for empowering women to be Jewish scholars and educators, Drisha Institute offers a wide variety of educational initiatives including full-time programs with a leadership development track, summer institutes, a summer high school program, a Bat Mitzvah program, continuing education programs and community lectures.  Thousands of people — from the New York area as well as from around the world — participate in Drisha programs annually.

The long-term impact of Drisha on the worldwide community is reflected in the informed voice and active leadership of the women who have graduated from Drisha and now serve as scholars, educators, and role models in every sphere.  

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Ecofem is a website dedicated to Ecofeminism, which is defined as the social movement that regards the oppression of women and nature as interconnected, but is now better understood as a movement working against the interconnected oppressions of gender, race, class and nature. The Ecofem website contains news and announcement related to ecofeminism, links to ecofeminist sites and ecofeminist writers, bibliography on ecofeminism, an electronic journal and links to ecofeminist journals.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Educational Equity Concepts
Educational Equity Concepts, Inc. is a national not-for-profit organization that promotes bias-free learning through innovative programs and materials. Founded in 1982, our mission is to decrease discrimination based on gender, race/ethnicity, disability, and level of family income.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Empowering Books for Girls
Info about the book "The Girls' Guide to Life", which is all about helping girls combat sexism, plus other nonfiction empowering titles for girls ages 9-15

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Enciclopedia of Women History
The Encyclopedia of Women's History was born out of a school project in which each of the students submitted a report on a different famous woman. The site has expanded beyond just that class, or even school, and takes submissions from any K through grade 12 student . Entries are listed alphabetically by subject. The site also includes a page of links to other women's history sites

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Equality Now
International human rights organization that works to end violence and discimination against women and girls around the world. Issues of concern include rape, female genital mutilation, domestic violence, honor killings, trafficking in women and reproductive rights.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Equity online
This site contains issues of the Women's Educational Equity Act Digest, plus information on gender equity in politics, education, and other areanas. Read inspiration stories of women and girls fighting for change.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

European Network of Police Women
The founders envisioned the creation of a professional network that could provide an information channel through which both policewomen and -men could constructive alliances in the field of equal opportunities within the police services in Europe.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

European Women Lobby
The European Women's Lobby (EWL) is the largest co-ordinating body of national and European non-governmental women's organisations in the European Union, with over 4000 member associations in the 25 Member States. The EWL's goal is to achieve equality between women and men in Europe and to serve as a link between political decision-makers and women's organisations at EU level.  

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Family Violence Prevention Fund
This site contains valuable information on men and domestic violence anduseful tips on mobilizing a campaign against violence. It also featuresimportant data on the global response to battered immigrant women includinghow to obtain brochures for service providers or victims. A section on women's personal stories of victimization and survival takes one beyond thestatistics to the real picture. Related links available.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Feminist Africa
The African Gender Institute and its Gender and Women's Studies Project have started a new academic electronic publication called "Feminist Africa." The journal provides a forum for progressive, cutting-edge gender research and feminist dialogue focused on the African continent. It also seeks to challenge the technocratic fragmentation resulting from donor-driven and narrowly developmentalist work on gender in Africa.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Feminist Majority Fundation
The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), founded in 1987, is dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. In all spheres, FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi
This site includes links to various women's sites and houses information pages for a number of women's organizations. Find a lookup utility for women's services in your area, classifieds, articles and speeches by prominentfeminists, weekly news updates, a women-owned business section

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender Advocacy Programme
The Gender Advocacy Programme (GAP) is an independent, non-governmental advocacy and lobbying organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa. The organisation aims to bridge the gap between women in civil society and structures of governance and to increase the participation of women in policy formulation and decision making.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender and Conflict Transformation
This four-week online course shows what a gender-sensitive approach to conflict transformation looks like and how it can be implemented in organisation's strategies. The Network University is a centre for collaborative learning. It's a network of universities and outside experts. It offers innovative courses online, addressing the learning needs of a worldwide audience of professionals and students.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender and Food Security
Given equal access to opportunities and resources women like men have proven to be efficient, dinamic and indispensable partners in development. Together, on the farm, and at all levels of society, women and men constitute a formidable partnership to achieve food security in the 21 century  

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender and Science in Techonology
The website of the Gender and Science and Technology (GASAT) Association, an international organization specializing on the gender dimensions of science and technology. GASAT holds a yearly conference on Gender and Science and Technology.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender and Water Alliance
The Gender and Water Alliance mainstreams gender in integrated water resource management. The website provides announcements and reports on advocacy actions and activities by the Alliance. It also contains case study documents, Alliance publications and related links.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender and Women Studies Africa
A project of the African Gender Institute, with financial support from the Ford Foundation, Gender and Women’s Studies Africa aims to train and build a network of scholars from various African universities. The site includes articles on feminism, as well as information on local and international events related to women and gender.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender Gap
Information on women elected officials and women in the military. Good analysis of upcoming political contests. Also, a historical section on "women warriors" throughout the ages.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender Training
This site provides resources, tools, and consultation on today's diversity issues in the workplace, as well as information about gender diversity management and training for businesses, individuals and organizations.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Gender, Diversities and Techonology Institute
The Gender, Diversities & Technology Institute is a learning exchange, an incubator for new ideas and approaches, a generator of new policy. They are a global institute dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals and organizations through innovative approaches to life-long learning and believe that the connection between learning and human development is most powerful when the unique pespectives and strengths associated with gender, race, ethnicity, and other diversities guide and inform the process. They provide a safe space that connects, informs, and mobilizes people and organizations committed to creating gender-healthy education and workplaces, leadership, and sustainable development.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Girl Child
A United Nations site intended for school teachers who would like to expand knowledge and experiment on ways to teach their students about the situation and the rights of the girl-child.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Girl Tech
Girl Tech is a wonderful resource for girls and women looking for an introduction to the the web. Girl Tech has a girl-powered search engine; links and articles about women in sports; discussions on issues from body image to girls and technology; creative writing by girls; and multicultural activities. The site is interactive, with many fun games and surveys to fill out.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Girls Global Education Fund
The sole focus of the Girls Global Education Fund (GGEF) is to send girls to schools. The GGEF site provides readings on the discrimination girls face, as well as information on the programs and success stories of the organization.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Girls Pipeline to Power
The Girls' Pipeline to Power provides resources for girls to become active in politics, government, and community, including stories from girls who have made a difference and a message board where girls can talk politics.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Girls, Women and Media Project
The Girls, Women + Media Project is a 21st century, non-profit initiative and network working to increase awareness of how pop culture and media represent, affect, employ, and serve girls and women---and to advocate for improvement in those areas. The Project also seeks to educate and empower all consumers and citizens about consumer rights and responsibilities regarding the media, and to promote universal media literacy.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

Global Alliance for Women's Health
The Global Alliance for Women's Health (GAWH) is commited to advancing women's health in all stages of life at all policy levels through health promotion, education, advocacy and program implementation. The GAWH works with coalitions of international, national and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), women's groups, health care professionals, religious organizations, academics and individual citizens from all regions of the world to promote and implement women's health care service improvements and research at the local, national and international levels.

Segnalato da: Gianni Verdoliva
19 anni in poi

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