Diritti Umani/Droits de l'homme

An explorative study of Sudanese midwives' motives, perceptions and experiences of re-infibulation after birth. [...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Reinfibulation is performed on women previously subjected to infibulation and who have given birth. To investigate the practice and attitudes concerning reinfibulation, we randomly selected for interviews 60 young women and grandmothers in a rural village in central Sudan. Reinfibulation was widely practised in this area. The main motive for performing reinfibulation was to satisfy the husband sexually. [...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Re-infibulation is the term used when women seek to be restored to their previous state usually following child birth.  Any damage to the perineal area should be repaired appropriately. [...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Right to education
The Right to Education Project (RTE) is a public access human rights resource, the only such site in the world devoted solely to the right to education. RTE defends the right to education and human rights in education, and promotes enhancement of all human rights through education.

Segnalato da: Valeria Bergamasco
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Articolo pubblicato il 17-06-2005
Mana Sultan Abdurahman Ali Issa (*) e Grassivaro Gallo Pia (+)

(*)WFL – ONG. Merka (Somalia)
(+) Gruppo di Lavoro sulle MGF. Università di Padova

Numero 17 - Anno 2
17 Giugno 2005

1996/2005: Dieci anni del rito alternativodi Merka (Somalia): da sunna gudnin a gudnin usub (il rito nuovo)....

Segnalato da: Varacalli Valentina
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Speciale donne nel mondo

Con una sentenza esemplare e inappellabile, nel dicembre 1997, la Corte Suprema Amministrativa del Cairo (Egitto) vieta gli interventi di mutilazione degli organi sessuali femminili........

Segnalato da: Varacalli Valentina
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Stop all'orrore
Il 5 novembre è partita la campagna mondiale "Stop female genital mutilation" contro le mutilazioni genitali femminili (fgm), organizzata dall'Aidos (Associazione italiana donne per lo sviluppo), Npwj (No peace without justice) e Tanwa (Tanzania media women association). [...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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STOP Excision
Healthy Tomorrow is a humanitarian organization dedicated to the eradication of all forms of female genital cutting or FGC (aka excision and female genital mutilation or FGM). Our mobilization takes the form of speaking to groups and individuals, collecting signatures, singing, dancing and reaching out through the media. [...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Stop FGM!
An international campaign to eradicate female genital mutilation [...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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FGM/C in the international newspress review......

Segnalato da: Varacalli Valentina
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L’ultimo, importante rapporto del Programma delle Nazioni Unite per lo Sviluppo (UNDP) afferma che la tutela dei diritti umani passa attraverso la promozione dello sviluppo economico e sociale dei paesi poveri.

Segnalato da: Valeria Bergamasco
19 anni in poi

The Bill of Rights : the complete text version
As Washington was inaugurated as America's first president and the infant nation set about to establish a strong government, memories of civil rights violations during the colonial period were still vivid. However, in the draft constitution submitted to the states for ratification relatively few basic rights were included...

Segnalato da: Valeria Bergamasco
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The Declaration of Independence
In Congress, July 4, 1776, the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America...

Segnalato da: Valeria Bergamasco
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The Female Genital Cutting - Education and Networking Project
Despite visible progress in the battle against female circumcision (genital mutilation), the practice is yet to go away. In some rural areas, victims continue to painfully nurse wounds from the cultural practice that has affected the physical integrity of women and children.[...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Traitements d'Eau
Le traitement chimique de l'eau est essentiel pour les usines de production de vapeur

Segnalato da: Antonella Dapiaggi
14-19 anni

un mundo America latina
WOW - Women On Work
WOW-Women On Work Onlus is a non-profit social welfare association founded in 1993 in Tuscany by a group of women of different backgrounds and that pursues exclusively social and solidarity aims........

Segnalato da: Varacalli Valentina
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UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity.

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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L'UNICEF (Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l'Infanzia) è la principale organizzazione mondiale per la tutela dei diritti e delle condizioni di vita dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza.

Fondato nel 1946 su decisione dell'Assemblea Generale dell'ONU, l'UNICEF opera attualmente in 156 Paesi in via di sviluppo attraverso 126 uffici permanenti sul campo (Country Offices) e in 37 Paesi economicamente avanzati tramite una rete di Comitati Nazionali.

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Dual emergencies hit Mozambique
Call to prioritise children and provide aid to victims of recent flooding in Bolivia
Rwanda launches campaign to keep girls in school [...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Le mutilazioni genitali femminili (MGF) sono un fenomeno vasto e complesso, che include pratiche tradizionali che vanno dall'incisione alla asportazione, in parte o in tutto, dei genitali femminili esterni. Bambine, ragazze e donne che le subiscono devono fare i conti con rischi gravi e irreversibili per la loro salute, oltre a pesanti conseguenze psicologiche...

Segnalato da: Varacalli Valentina
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UNICEF - France
Né en 1964, le Comité français pour l'Unicef (ou Unicef France) est une association à but non lucratif, régie par la loi de 1901 et reconnue d'utilité publique. C'est le relais entre le siège new-yorkais de l'Unicef international et le public français.

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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United Nations
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour condemned the reported killing of civilians in Guinea over the last three days and called on the Government to adhere strictly to its human rights obligations, a day after it announced the imposition of a state of emergency.

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Vers une culture des droits de l'homme
Le recueil regrupe une sélection d'articles et de conférences sur les droits de l'homme et le droit à l'éducation. La formation dispensée est interdisciplinaire et, à
certains égards, hétérodoxe par rapport à l'approche juridique
traditionnelle. On propose au lecteur des contributions
aux tonalités très différentes. Toutes cependant ont en commun de
privilégier une certaine complexité à la clarté trompeuse des

Segnalato da: Valeria Bergamasco
19 anni in poi

water for people
Where We Help for nead water for people

Segnalato da: Antonella Dapiaggi
14-19 anni

What is female genital mutilation?
The following descriptions are taken from Fact Sheet N 23 of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, which also contains information on the operating conditions and accompanying rites and beliefs and on the impact on the health of girl children and women. The last description is taken from Fact Sheet N° 241 of June 2000 of the World Health Organization, entitled "Female Genital Mutilation" which includes a detailed information pack focussing more especially on all health aspects, from consequences to prevention of FGM and the role of professional associations in health, and containing a list of contact groups and persons with their details. [...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Women' helath in India
India is one of the few countries in the world where men and women have got the same life expectancy at birth.

Segnalato da: Marilena Nicoletta
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World Healt Organization
The World Health Organization is the United Nations specialized agency for health. It was established on 7 April 1948. WHO's objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.[...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
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Indietro - Pagina 4 di 4