Letteratura francese/Littérature française

Maximilien Robespierre
El sitio presenta la vida y la politica de Maximilien Robespierre. El vocabulario es comprensible. La presencia de imágenes puede  interesar a los jóvenes.

Segnalato da: Gemma Buonanno
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Musique Sacrée à Nôtre-Dame
La musique a toujours fait partie intégrante de la vie de la Cathédrale Nôtre-Dame de Paris. La tradition musicale de Nôtre-Dame de Paris s’est maintenue au plus haut niveau et chaque génération est venue apporter sa pierre au prestigieux édifice que constitue l’histoire musicale de la Cathédrale.
Conscients de ce patrimoine séculaire, du rayonnement national et international des activités et de l’excellence des formations dispensées par la Maîtrise Nôtre-Dame de Paris, on a décidé de créer l’association Musique Sacrée à Nôtre-Dame de Paris.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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Napoléon Bonaparte
La vie et les exploits de Napoléon Bonaparte, le plus célèbre personnage de l’histoire de France : jeune général de la Révolution, il devient empereur des français, conquérant d’une grande partie d’Europe. Il devient également un personnage légendaire, grâce à son génie militaire et politique et ses spectaculaires victoires. Sa défaite finale à Waterloo ne marque pas la fin de sa légende.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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Napoléon I. – Kaiser der Franzosen
Informationen über den Kaiser Napoleon Bonaparte und seine Polik

Segnalato da: Laura Bogiatto
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Napoleone Bonaparte
La vita e le imprese di Napoleone Bonaparte, da giovane generale della Rivoluzione Francese alla sua ascesa a imperatore e alla sua fama conquistata grazie alle sue vittorie e al suo genio strategico. Si possono leggere anche delle curiosità e delle dicerie sulla sua vita quotidiana.

Segnalato da: Gemma Buonanno
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Nôtre Dame de Paris
Le site officiel de la cathédrale gothique Nôtre Dame de Paris : l’art, l’histoire, les éléments architecturaux intérieurs et extérieurs, informations pratiques pour les visites, les saintes messes et les offices, la musique sacrée.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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Place de la Concorde
The octagonal Place de la Concorde is the largest square in Paris. It is situated between the Tuileries and the Champs-Elysées. During the French revolution, a guillotine was installed at the center of the square and 1119 people were beheaded here: amongst them many famous people like King Louis XVI, Marie-Antionette, and revolutionary Robespierre.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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Place de la Concorde
La storia e il profilo della Place de la Concorde. Situata ai piedi del viale degli Champs-Élysées nell’ottavo arrondissement, a Parigi, è la seconda piazza francese per grandezza. In epoca rivoluzionaria (soprattutto dopo che vi installarono la ghigliottina) essa fu uno dei più importanti luoghi di raduno.

Segnalato da: Gemma Buonanno
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Place de la Concorde
L’histoire et le profil de la place de la Concorde. Elle est située au pied de l'avenue des Champs-Élysées dans le 8e arrondissement à Paris. Il s'agit de la deuxième plus vaste place de France. Au temps de la Révolution, elle était l'un des grands lieux de rassemblement, surtout lorsque la guillotine y sera installée.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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Produzione letteraria francese tra il 1790 e il 1850
Presentazione delle caratteristiche letterarie e  politiche del romanticismo francese.

Segnalato da: Laura Bogiatto
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Sito sulla biografia e sulle opere di Racine

14-19 anni

Résumé "Nôtre Dame de Paris"
Le site permet de lire le résumé de l'oeuvre de Victor Hugo "Nôtre Dame de Paris"

Segnalato da: Gemma Buonanno
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Révolution Française
Les étapes principales de la Révolution Française avec un grand nombre d’approfondissements, les portraits des personnages illustres. On y trouve aussi les musiques (parmi lesquelles la Marseillaise) et des devinettes et des testes pour vérifier ses connaissances.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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Rivoluzione Francese
Le vicende in sintesi della Rivoluzione Francese ; ne vengono illustrate le cause e ne viene sottolineata la portata di destabilizzazione dell’Ancien Régime. Segue una bibliografia per ulteriori approfondimenti.

Segnalato da: Gemma Buonanno
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The French literature from the first half of the century was dominated by Romanticism: presentation of the charateristics of  the French Romanticism

Segnalato da: Laura Bogiatto
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Specialità francesi : lo champagne
Tutto sullo champagne, il vino francese più celebre, riservato alle occasioni speciali: denominazione, abbinamenti e altre informazioni.

Segnalato da: Gemma Buonanno
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Staatsstreich vom 2. Dezember 1851
Überblick auf die Politik von Napoleon III und das Staatssreich von 2. Dezember 1851

Segnalato da: Laura Bogiatto
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Definizione e interpretazioni del concetto di sovrannaturale. Pagina in francese.

Segnalato da: Oscar Serino; Basilio Sciacca
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The Arc de Triomphe
In the middle of the Place Charles de Gaulle, at the border of the 8th, 16th and 17th “arrondissement” stands one of the greatest arches in the world: the Arc de Triomphe (arch of triumph), commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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the Arc de Triomphe: Antoine Etex
Antoine Etex is the author of two of four sculptural groups on different themes decorating the columns of the Arc de Triomphe. One is "The resistance".

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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the Arc de Triomphe: Antoine Etex
“Peace” is one of two sculptural groups decorating the columns of the Arc de Triomphe
by Antoine Etex. The two others are by F. Rude and J.-P. Cortot.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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the Arc de Triomphe: François Rude
The Departure of the Volunteers of '92 ("La Marseillaise"), by François Rude, is the most famous of four enormous and spectacular sculptural groups on different themes decorating the columns of the Arc de Triomphe.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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the Arc de Triomphe: Pierre Cortot
The Triumph of Napoleon in 1810, by Jean-Pierre Cortot, is one of four sculptural groups on different themes decorating the columns of the Arc de Triomphe.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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The Avenue of Champs-Elysées
The Avenue of Champs-Elysées in Paris is probably the most famous avenue in the world. This impressive promenade stretches from the Place the la Concorde to the Place Charles de Gaulle, the site of the Arc de Triomphe. It is used for all the major celebrations

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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The cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris
Not the largest cathedral in the world, the Notre-Dame in Paris is probably the most famous of all cathedrals. The gothic masterpiece is located on the Île de la Cité, a small island in the heart of the city and it is the religious centre of the city.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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The Défense area
The Défense is the prime high-rise office district of Paris. Many of Paris's tallest buildings can be found here. It is on the historical axis of the city. In this modern area there is the Grande Arche de la Défense.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, symbol of innovative technique at the end of the 19th century, has maintained its universal image. Even if 6 million visitors climb the Tower each year, the number of those who have set eyes on the Tower but never foot coupled with those who know of the Tower but have never even caught a glimpse of the monument are far more numerous. Here is the description of its structure and its evolution.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
1-5 anni

The Exposition Universelle of 1889
The Exposition Universelle of 1889 was a World's Fair held in Paris in 1889. It was held during the year of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the French Revolution. The main symbol of the Fair was the Eiffel Tower, which served as the entrance arch to the Fair.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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The French bread baguette
Detailed history of baguette, the hard crusty loaf we currently associate with France. You can discover that in reality it was invented by the bakers of Vienna.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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The French car “2CV”
The Citroën 2CV (French: deux chevaux vapeur, literally "two steam horses"), is considered one of their most iconic cars. It was designed for low cost, simplicity, versatility, reliability, and off-road driving.

Segnalato da: Davide Talarico
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