Storia del cinema/Histoire du cinema

"The grapes of wrath"by John Ford
The Grapes of Wrath (1940) is director John Ford's most famous black and white epic drama........

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

"The Jazz singer " by Alan Crosland
The Jazz Singer (1927) is an historic milestone film and cinematic landmark.

Segnalato da: Paolo jacob
11-14 anni

"The passion of Jean d'Arc"Carl Theodor Dreyer [En]
Carl Dreyer's last silent film is one of the most famous films in the history of cinema. It is seldom missing on "World's Ten Best Films" lists. Few films have been studied and analyzed as thoroughly in articles and books, and one sometimes feels that the real film is buried in the theory and aesthetics.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

"The searcher" John Ford
The Searchers (1956) is considered by many to be a true American masterpiece of filmmaking, and the best, most influential, and perhaps most-admired film of director John Ford.

Segnalato da: Paolo jacob
11-14 anni

"The Seventh Seal " Ingmar Bergman
The Seventh Seal is maybe one of Bergman's most famous movies. Surely not his best movie, but yet, more than 40 years later its charm is still so perceptible.

Segnalato da: Paolo jacob
11-14 anni

"Tiburon"-Steven Spielberg
Historia de la pelicula

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
Più fasce di età

"Viaggio sulla luna" di Georges Mèliès
Produzione: 1902, Francia, Georges Mèliès per la Star Film, b/n, 15 min
Regia: Georges Mèliès

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

"wild strawberry" Ingmar Bergman
One of Bergman's warmest, and therefore finest films, this concerns an elderly academic—grouchy, introverted, dried up emotionally—who makes a journey to collect a university award, and en route relives his past by means of dreams, imagination, and encounters with others.

Segnalato da: Paolo jacob
11-14 anni

"Zabriesky point"-Antonioni
Zabriskie point è il punto di massima depressione geologica negli Stati uniti.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
14-19 anni

"Zabriesky point"-Antonioni
Tandis que la contestation grandit dans les milieux universitaires de Los Angeles, Mark achète un revolver et accompagne un de ses amis vers l'entrée du campus.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
14-19 anni

"Zabriesky point"-Antonioni
Sam Rhodie was absolutely right when he claimed that Antonioni, like no other filmmaker, introduced into the narrative fiction film elements and impulses that were purely experimental (2). The story-lines in his films gradually dissolve and fizzle away as his real concerns take shape, and there transpires an abstraction of objects and reality, a shift to another level of seeing and, by extension, thinking.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
14-19 anni

"Zabriesky point"-Antonioni
SINOPSIS: Tras un enfrentamiento en un campus universitario entre estudiantes y policías, un joven de familia acomodada, Mark, cree haber matado a un agente y huye, en compañía de otro joven y tras robar una avioneta, al desierto de Arizona.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
14-19 anni

Alfred Hitchcock[En]
At one moment below I make passing reference to how, in Hitchcock's radio version of The Lodger in 1940, Herbert Marshall played both the likely killer and the story's objective narrator.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Alfred Hitchcock[Es]

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Alfred Hitchcock[Fr]
Les 57 films de Hitchcock peuvent être rangés dans cinq catégories successives : premiers films (19), suspens anglais (7), suspens américain (12), classique (13), baroque (7).

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Buster Keaton
De longues et sérieuses études ont été faites sur Keaton, le comparant à Chaplin ou aux autres grands de l'époque

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Buster Keaton
Uno de los grandes genios de la pantalla

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Buster Keaton
Buster Keaton, uno dei più grandi geni della risata, esordisce a tre anni come acrobata nel varietè.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Carl Theodor Dreyer

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Carl Theodor Dreyer [En]

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Carl Theodor Dreyer [Es]
la vida del director

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Carl Theodor Dreyer [Fr]
Sa mère, Joséphine Nilsson, est la gouvernante d'un gros propriétaire terrien du sud de la Suède qui la met enceinte. Le père ne voulant ni scandale ni mariage, elle part accoucher à Copenhague et y abandonne son fils.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Charlie Chaplin
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th 1889.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Charlie Chaplin
Actor director, guionista y músico de origen británico (Londres, 1889-Corsier-sur-Vevey, Suiza, 1977).

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Charlie Chaplin
Biographie,Filmographie,Photos,Citations,Le personnage de Charlot,Caractéristiques de ses films,Les Temps Modernes,Livre d'Or,Liens

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

Charlie Chaplin
In una carriera lunga oltre 70 anni, Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889-1977) è diventato un pilastro del cinema

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

cine musical
cine musical en wikipedia

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

cine musical
Musical is a form  combining music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

cinema d'animazione
Il cinema d'animazione rappresenta un importante capitolo della storia del cinema.

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

cinema sociale

Segnalato da: Paolo Jacob
11-14 anni

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