
Maths online for school and distant learning
Multimedia learning units on mathematical subjects for secondary school, highschool, college, and university

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
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Here you'll find a wealth of resources designed to help you use the power of interactive software to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. Above all else, Math Tools is a community of users which includes students, teachers, mathematicians, researchers, and software developers.

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Matrix Explorer Applet
This applet helps the user explore 2 x 2 matrices

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
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Matrix Inverse Applet
This applet demonstrates how to find the inverse of a two-by-two matrix. If matrix A is given, and the user knows that AxB = I, then this applet will help the user solve for B.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
Più fasce di età

Matrix Multiplication Applet
This applet shows the user how to multiply two matrices.

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
Più fasce di età

Measurement and Directions in Space
The Scale of Things: Distance Measurement

Segnalato da: Anna Rita Vitale
19 anni in poi

Mécanique des fluides
Effet Magnus:
Logiciels de simulation
écrits en GCcompiler

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
19 anni in poi

Misure astronomiche
Notazione esponenziale e grandi numeri

Segnalato da: Anna Rita Vitale
19 anni in poi

Modules Grouped by General Mathematics Topic
Una collezione di materiale didattico sulla matematica basato su applet

Segnalato da: Frangipane Davide
19 anni in poi

Moltiplicazione in Z
Moltiplicazione in Z: definizione ed esempi

Segnalato da: L.Maggi
19 anni in poi

El resultado de la multiplicación de números se llama producto. Los números que se multiplican se llaman factores o coeficientes, e individualmente como multiplicando (número a sumar) y multiplicador (veces que se suma el multiplicando). Aunque esta diferenciación en algunos contextos puede ser superflua, dada la propiedad conmutativa de la multiplicación.

Segnalato da: Claudio Fanelli
19 anni in poi

Multiplicación de dos negativos
¿Por qué la multiplicación de dos negativos da un positivo? Multiplicación de Negativos

Segnalato da: L.Maggi
19 anni in poi

Multiplicación y división de números enteros
Actividades de multiplicación y división de números enteros enteros y se puede comprobar respuestas

Segnalato da: L.Maggi
19 anni in poi

Multiplication (natural numbers)
Multiplication on the natural numbers has some important properties:
The natural number  is the multiplicative identity (proof)
Multiplication is distributive over addition (proof)
Multiplication is commutative (proof) and associative (proof)

Segnalato da: Claudio Fanelli
19 anni in poi

Multiplication and area
The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the side by the other side: we can apply that idea to fractions.

Segnalato da: Elisabetta Eandi
19 anni in poi

Multiplication and division with negatives
How do you do multiplication and division with negatives? – Sign rules

Segnalato da: L.Maggi
19 anni in poi

Multiplication of natural numbers
Fundamental property of Multiplication

19 anni in poi

Multiply it n-fold!
Here is your imaginary piece of magical paper to scribble numbers on, which will multiply them for you and remind you of the old times.

Segnalato da: Claudio Fanelli
19 anni in poi

Multiplying and Dividing relative numbers
Practice Questions on Multiplying and Dividing relative numbers

Segnalato da: L.Maggi
19 anni in poi

Natural Number
Definition of the set of natural numbers is denoted N.

Segnalato da: Fanelli Claudio
19 anni in poi

Natural number – Tablet Plimpton
The clay tablet with the catalog number 322 in the G. A. Plimpton Collection at Columbia University may be the most well known mathematical tablet, certainly the most photographed one, but it deserves even greater renown.

Segnalato da: Fanelli Claudio
19 anni in poi

Natural number: Properties of operation
Properties of operation (addition, multiplication, subtraction, division).

Segnalato da: Claudio Fanelli
19 anni in poi

Negative * Negative = Positive. Why??
Negative * Negative = Positive. Why??
In this page, it doesn't so much "prove" as demonstrate why this is true. For students learning new concepts demonstrations are usually more satisfying than rigorous proofs. Rigorous proofs are for pure mathematicians

Segnalato da: L.Maggi
19 anni in poi

Neutron vs. Proton Mass
Contains notice about mass of proton, neutron, electron and question:  "Why is mass of neutron greater than mass of

Segnalato da: Anna Rita Vitale
19 anni in poi

Newton's Invention of calculus
Newton did not enter Cambridge specifically to study mathematics, but in his first year he bought and studied Euclid, Descartes, Kepler and most important John Wallis' Arithmetica Infinitorum which concerned infinite series treated geometrically. He also later read Galileo and Fermat.

Segnalato da: Gianfranco Bottini
14-19 anni

Newton's notation
Newton's notation for differentiation involved placing a dash/dot over the function name, which he termed the fluxion.

Segnalato da: Gianfranco Bottini
14-19 anni

Nombre naturel
Définition - nombre naturel.

Segnalato da: Claudio Fanelli
19 anni in poi

Nombres négatifs
Introduction des nombres négatifs

Segnalato da: L.Maggi
19 anni in poi

Nombres rationnels
Définition de Q, représentants privilégiés d’un rationnel, opérations sur Q, relation d’ordre sur Q, plongement de Z dans Q, valeur absolue sur Q. Définitions, propriétées and démonstrations.

Segnalato da: Elisabetta Eandi
19 anni in poi

Nombres relatifs
Nombres relatifs : multiplications. regles, proprietes, exercices

Segnalato da: L.Maggi
19 anni in poi

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